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Everybody deals with anxiety and depression, however some people have a difficult time in managing it. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their most persistent fears and every day anxieties.

When facing a current or upcoming task that overwhelms you with a lot of anxiety, the first thing you can do is to divide the task into a series of smaller steps. Completing these smaller tasks one at a time will make the stress more manageable and increases your chances of success.

E-cigarettes change blood vessels after just one use, study says

(CNN)A new study is the latest to show changes in cardiovascular function after vaping e-liquids, though in this case, those liquids didn't even contain nicotine.

The study, published Tuesday in the journal Radiology, concluded that vaping temporarily impacts blood vessel function in healthy people. Using MRI scans, it found, for example, changes in blood flow within the femoral artery in the leg after just one use. The researchers couldn't determine which chemical might be responsible for the changes they observed.



Fight, Flight, or Freeze

When students who have been traumatized find themselves in a stressful situation or a situation where they feel unsafe, they will exhibit one of three responses: fight, flight, or freeze.

These are primal responses that students cannot necessarily control without proper support and coping skills.

It’s important to keep this in mind when you recognize students entering into this self-protecting state of mind.

5 Tips for Improved Family Budgeting and More

       January seems to be the time when we all have a big desire for change and improvement. For example, we may set a goal to be more financially sound in 2020.

 Not everyone likes to talk about money, but if we give money a job to do and make it work for us instead of the other way around—we can reap the rewards now AND later.

  Here are 5 tips for Improved Family Budgeting through Amanda Christensen, Assistant Professor at Utah State Extension.

Book Review: Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

Upon hearing a recent podcast, I was intrigued by a book under discussion titled, “Man’s Search for Meaning” written by Viktor E. Frankl. This memoir is an international best seller.  It is from the poignant perspective of Frankl, himself, who had spent much time in the concentration camps during WWll.

If Frankl could portray an uplifting imagery of life even amidst the concentration camp, and give purpose in his future life, I wanted to read his story.

Book Review for January The Tale of Despereaux

I remember when my Mom gave The Tale of Despereaux to my oldest daughter when she was only 12 years old. She read it and then put in on the bookshelf for a long time until I discovered it. A book about a tiny mouse?  What could be so interesting about that, I thought? I decided to open the book to read for myself. 

The Tale of Despereaux is written by Kate DiCamillo who is a #1 national bestseller.  Illustrated by Timothy Basil Ering. This book has also been turned into a major motion picture.  It is the story of a mouse, a princess, some soup and a spool of thread.


From grocery stores to candy stores and going door to door citizens are gathering signatures to demand they be given the choice to vote on one of the largest tax bills passed in Utah.  Over 18,000 strong, with more joining the force every day, Utah citizens from every political party have united to try and defeat the recently passed SB2001, a large tax bill affecting every household in Utah.

            In a special session in December Utah legislators passed what they are touting as a large tax cut.

New Business in Ogden: Smash It!

Are you feeling stressed or burned out from life?  Your job? School?  Come smash that stress away at the new Ogden City business, Smash It! –Where stress meets smash! Located on 2254 Washington Blvd. Smash It opened its doors on Friday, December 13th,  after a couple months of renovations, from what used to be the old Clifton’s clothing store.

Guns and Hoses Charity Basketball Game Brought Many Together

On Saturday, December 14th at 5:00 p.m. in the Weber High School gym, the annual Guns and Hoses Charity Basketball game started off with a traditional tip-off.  This year, all funds went to support the Otto family.

New Children and Youth Program with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

On November 17th, 2019 Elder Gerrit W. Gong from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, presented a Face to Face event for children, youth, parents and leaders.  Here, he answered many questions from all over the world, focusing on the new Children and Youth Program.

The leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are encouraging the youth through this vision from


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