There are a few more NEW business coming to the area. We welcome to the city:
Chrysalis: Troy Friden seeking a business license for Chrysalis a residential facility for 5 residents.
Hair We Go LLC. Julie Trujillo seeking a business license for Hair We Go
All Paws Canine Services: Summer Earhart seeking a business license for All Paws Canine Services (grooming services)
So Others May Live LLC: was granted new business licenses welcome to Farr West.
Updates for the Smith Family Park, there was a RAMP Grant submitted. Sander's Construction is beginning to start construction on the south restroom. And the Plaza is moving forward.
The Youth City Council spent the day of January 24th attending Legislative Day. The Youth are hard at work with recruiting new members.
Whittney Black announced the City Council’s ranking of the Planning Commission Applicants as follows.
1. Lyle Earl (appointed to the Planning Commission)
2. Bryant Jensen (appointed to the Planning Commission)
3. Ted Black (appointed to the Planning Commission)
4. Craig Munford (ALTERNATE MEMBER to the Planning Commission)
5. Craig Browne
6. Nate Christensen
7. John Stewart
8. Debra Ramer
9. Dave Hawkes
10. Mike Beal
11. Bob Schriber
A big Thank You to all of those that applied for the Planning Commission.
There has been a number of approvals happening in the city. The final approval of the Remuda Court phase 3, approval Park Plaza the developer’s has agreed to put the connection trails back in, would there be a problem if the city developed and maintained them. Final Approval of Park Plaza Phase 1 & 2.
Matt Gwynn has been busy with the CERT council meetings, and the fire district meeting where he was voted in as the Vice-Chair of the board. The youth fishing club will tentatively meet the 5 Saturdays in June.
Tom Burkland is reviewing the recycling program of the city.
Boyd Ferrin is working with mosquito abatement board meeting. Boyd is also working on upcoming spring and summer activities. Boyd has been attending the preconstruction meetings one for the south restroom at the Smith Family Park, and the plaza. Boyd and Dave Bunderson will be driving around the city determining what road projects need to be taken care of this year.
David Jay is working with the Communities that Care or CTC.
Ken Phippen is active on the transportation committee and the possibility of a temporary crosswalk on Farr West Drive.
Mayor Dickemore is attending the WACOG meeting and the Bona Vista meeting. The Mayor also attended League of Cities and Towns training on January 30th .