Joseph Curfew – Mayor
What would you like your fellow citizens to know about you?
A. I would like my fellow citizens to know as I did a few years ago and for many years I have prepared to work very hard for them as mayor of Willard City. I have always loved being in Willard, and once again I have the opportunity to run for Mayor. I have had my troubles in the past, but I have owned up to each and every one and proven myself to be honest and upfront. I do not have any hidden agendas, and no axes to grind. I moved to Willard when I was fourteen years old. I worked at the Willard Store and Larry's Service Station in my teens, became a volunteer Firefighter/EMT for Willard, and served as police officer and police chief, and I taught OHV Safety for the State Parks and Recreation at Willard Bay.
What would you change in your city?
Why are you running for office?
A. I'm running for mayor simply because it is something I have always wanted to do. I feel that I have strong leadership abilities, and can make a difference in a positive way for the City and for the citizens of Willard City. I hope I get the chance to be mayor, and I look forward to the opportunity to serve as such.