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Farr West January News

Monday, January 22, 2018 - 9:30am
Dawn Scothern / newsletters

Smith Family Park is looking good, but there is more work that needs to be done. A RAMP grant has been submitted to help with some of the last elements of Smith Family Park development.  In 2018, the hope is to develop the following projects: sports fields, asphalt on the trails, mini pavilions located around the fishing pond, exercise stations, and shade trees.

Ken reported on the windmills that have been installed at the Park. Boyd Ferrin said that a bid needs to be approved for the south restroom of the park. Mr. Ferrin commented that there were six bidders, with an alternate bid that included the construction of the restrooms without the small attached pavilion. The City Council approved a bid from Saunders construction for the amount of   $188,602 for the construction of the south restroom and bowery.

Ken Phippen said the active transportation committee met and are putting together a pilot grant for a crossing on West Harrisville Road. 

New business applying for licenses are:

·         Julie Matthews for Tactical Group, LLC.  Ms. Matthews stated her husband is a disable veteran and he will be providing management for engineering services for the government.

·         Chris Poulson for Poulson Doors, LLC, located in North View Plaza.  The space would be used for inventory and materials that will be transported to worksites.

·         Ryan Shaw stated the business TLG Acoustics contacted the city office and stated they no longer needed a business license for this location and the license has been terminated.  Mr. Shaw stated the business owner wrote letters and visited their neighbors to apologize for the issues.

The Council re-appointed John Cardon as Treasurer and Lindsey Afuvai as recorder. Whitney Black as the new Deputy City Clerk, Mr. Phippen is going to have Whitney assist him with the City’s website.

Ongoing assignments being reported on: David Jay stated he has worked on both issues brought up by Merlin Ward in public comments.  He stated they are working on legal action regarding the lot south of Season's Estates due to the property owner being willfully defiant. He stated the lot south of Fox's is owned by Randy Marriott and he has been contacted and has not been compliant with the City's request to this point.  He pointed out that it is not inaction by the City that is the issue at this point.  Merlin Ward asked about the timeframe on resolving the issues.  David Jay gave a brief explanation of the notices and then moving into the court system.  

Boyd Ferrin reported the City had a great Holiday Lighting Celebration with a great turnout.  Boyd discussed the mosquito meeting and that they will be working on their budget.  Also, the RAMP Grants are in as of January 11th. Ken Phippen commented that the grant will be used for putting in ball fields, pavement, fitness trail stations, small pavilions, and other park projects. Ken also commented the city is applying for a major grant and a small grant. Ken also reported the Active Transportation Committee has been working on a grant which will be used to install a crosswalk that will connect Farr West Drive and Mountain View subdivision.  



Mayor Dickemore reported he and Nate had to work with Weber Basin to get the Western Drain rocked and stated that project is just about complete.  He stated the City continues to work on getting rock in that drain to protect the homeowner's from the water that the ditch receives from surrounding cities.  Mayor Dickemore reported on parking issues and asked Lt. Ferrin to make sure parking issues are taken care of with winter coming.  The Mayor also reported on the Rec Center and the WACOG meeting. The Mayor then reported he is working on getting letters of recommendation from the surrounding mayors for the RAMP Grants. 

 Tom Burkland reported on the Weber County Sherriff's meeting and commented the budget will most likely go down for the 2018-2019 year.

Matt Gwynn reported on online map overlays. Matt also reported the Coalitions that Care is having a key leader orientation and the city has been asked to send two representatives.. Matt also stated he would be meeting with the Layton City Recreation Director on creating and running a youth fishing club by the end of the month. Matt also stated the city received a $1,000 grant from DWR.  
