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Harrisville News reminders:

Friday, July 26, 2013 - 8:30am
From Harrisville Web and News letter

Harrisville News reminders:

From Harrisville Web and News letter


    Harrisville police are asking everyone to lock up your valuables. Having unlocked cars, bikes, equipment, ATV’s, etc.…will make you a target. The best protection is to lock your doors, shut the garage door and have valuables out of sight of would be thieves.

      No Soliciting – With summertime here, so are the door-to-door solicitors they will be making their rounds through the city. There are a few things residents should be aware of. All solicitors are required to be licensed by the city. Their license will be laminated with a picture ID, issued by Harrisville City, stamped with the city seal, and prominently displayed. Persons exempt from this would be those representing charitable or non-profit organizations, including students, or those disseminating religious or political information. Everyone must respect no soliciting signs and leave as soon as you voice your disinterest. Please help get the message out that anyone soliciting without a license in Harrisville is not welcome. If you encounter someone that is not properly licensed please explain to them that it is not legal for them to be in our city. If they do not leave the neighborhood call the nonemergency dispatch number (801) 629-8221.

 SPLASH PAD Season Open

The Splash Pad opened on May 27th at 10:00 am for the summer season. Splash Pad hours of operation will be 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Mon-Sat. Splash Pad season runs Memorial Day through Labor Day. The splash pad is located at our main park at 1350 N. Hwy 89.


Heritage Days 2013 is fast approaching. ” August 3rd, 2013 this year’s theme is “Our Colorful Community”. The events include: Parade, vendor booths, youth games and activities, entertainment, 5K run, golf tournament, youth dance, flag ceremony, fireworks, free cake and ice cream.

If you are interested in volunteering for Heritage Days 2013, please contact Harrisville City Offices at (801)782-4100 ext. 1000.