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Willard Council Candidate Beebe Responds

Tuesday, October 29, 2013 - 9:30am
By Jim Mackley

The November publication of the Sentinel has made an error in the picture that was labeled Robert Beebe, This is NOT a picture of Robert Beebe picture. We apologize for any misconception this has caused.

Willard City Council Candidate, Robert Beebe, responded to a question asking what his position was regarding the possible annexation of South Willard by Willard City by saying that, “He would be favorable to the annexation if there were favorable finances for Willard and it is a win-win situation for both communities.”


Regarding the October 10TH resolution voting on the raised costs for sewer service, Mr. Beebe stated, “I voted ‘yes’ for the increase in rates. There really were no options because of what has happened before.”


When asked if Willard had overstepped its bounds, he declared, “The City overstepped its bounds with the sewer in the way it was approved.  Large landowners got more votes.  Some had one hundred votes compared to one vote for just a head of household.”
