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Willard School Update

Wednesday, March 7, 2018 - 12:00pm

ast month I posted (in Willard Residents) about a fundraiser that we (The Body Shop Gym) were doing with Willard Elementary. When I was approached by Amber Morrill to help with this, I must admit I was a little skeptical. I mean, let's be honest. Candy bars and a gym membership are on two different levels of commitment. Well, I'm happy to announce that it was a success. Because of you, we are happy to announce that we will be giving Willard Elementary a check for $650! Most of that is from new member sign ups. BUT, I also had current members, who couldn't benefit from this promo, slip money under the office door to donate.
Because of the response we received, we have asked Willard Elementary if we could run this promo one more month. Friday we were given the ok to do so. So here it is. If you missed out on it the first time around, we will be running it again in March.
This is an awesome community. The people are kind, generous and really care about each other. We are proud to be a part of it. Thank you for welcoming us and supporting us.
Kord Pixton
The Body Shop Gym