▪ Crews anticipate paving the shoulders on the west side of the street beginning next week. This work will continue through the week.
▪ Questar Gas began installing a new gas line on the east side of the road. This work involves digging trenches along the east side of the road to place the new gas line.
▪ The southbound right travel lane is currently closed in the areas the crews are working. Due to the nature of the work, closures will vary daily.
▪ Temporary lane closures in the northbound right travel lane are expected over the next few weeks. This will be to accommodate work Questar is doing on the current gas line.
▪ Utility work on the east side of the road will continue through June.
▪ Excavation of the shoulders on the east side of the street is anticipated to begin in July.
UDOT is widening the shoulders on Main Street (US-89). This work is taking place along US-89 in Willard starting near mile post 426 and extending almost to the junction of SR-126 and US-89.
This project will improve safety for those traveling by automobile and bicycle, by providing a paved standard shoulder in places that now only have a gravel shoulder.
▪ Work will normally occur Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
▪ Anticipate construction noise and vibrations.
▪ Right travel lane will be closed in the areas crew are working.
▪ This project is expected to be complete around Labor Day Weekend 2017.