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1*1*2018 - Easy Ways to Get Moving in the New Year

Monday, January 1, 2018 - 6:45pm
Carol Marak

New year resolutions can drive us nuts, especially the ones dealing with exercise. There's nothing more irritating than setting goals around an activity that you're not interested in doing.

Believe me, you're not the only person who dreads the annual January - start an exercise program as a New Year resolution. And dealing with the excuses not to follow through is exhausting.

If this rings true for you, I have happy news. You can have your cake and eat it too when it comes to being more physically active during the new year.

Because exercise has so many benefits, it's important to follow through. I've researched and came up with the most innovative ways to get you moving. No two people will choose the same exercise, so find something on the list that looks interesting and fun to do, who knows, at the end of January, you may have developed a healthy habit.

  • Get out walking and enjoy the outdoors. Walk new trails or streets in your suburb, town, or farm country. How about walking through historic cemeteries, or the art district? Try "walking" to do errands instead of driving.
  • Window shop. Hit the mall and check out window displays. Bring your cell phone for a podcast or music that will make the time fly. I know malls encourage walkers by opening the doors early to beat the crowds. It's the perfect time to check out winter sales.
  • Plant a vegetable or flower garden. Do you enjoy fresh garden vegetables? Does the thought of bright-colored tulips make you smile? Tend a garden of flowers or vegetables and get in shape by weeding, watering, and mulching.
  • Dance your way to fitness. (My favorite.) Does music make you gyrate? Get the basics with a video lesson, then two-step over to your local club to get started.
  • Live with good balance. Learn Tai Chi, my doctor says it's great for building balance. Tai Chi, Taekwondo, yoga are Eastern practices which reduce stress and increase cognition. Try chair yoga, it's easier to do.
  • Get outdoors with your grandkids and build a fort, go on a scavenger hunt, jump rope, or play other child games. Be sure to wear clothes that can get dirty.
  • Rent a bicycle and hit the local trails or country roads. Invite friends along. Don't buy one until you decide whether it's an activity you want to maintain.

These are a few exercise ideas to get you moving. Start one or two now, and stay active for the rest of your life. Here's to better health!

Check with your doctor before you start a new health regime.

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Carol Marak, aging advocate, She's earned a Certificate in the Fundamentals of Gerontology from UC Davis, School of Gerontology.