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Jennifer L. Jensen for Harrisville City Council

Friday, November 1, 2013 - 10:00am
By: Heidi Mead

The reason Jennifer Jensen decided to run for City Council is because she feels that Harrisville recreation has gone very far downhill. She affirms, “Last year, Harrisville’s recreation department could not even get enough participation for a few of the grades in baseball and softball. We have two schools full of children, one of them is dubbed "The biggest in Weber County," and most of them want to play for Harrisville. If you did not live in Harrisville, they would not let you play, meaning all the kids that lived on the south side of the golf course could not play sports with the friends with which they went to school. The recreation director made a deal with the other cities that they would do the same. Come to find out no other city kept up their end of the bargain but Harrisville. So we turned away a ton of kids and gave that money to North Ogden or Pleasant View.”  Mrs. Jensen sees a need to make the City’s Recreation Department one that residents or non-residents will come and play and enjoy it! She would like to address the recreation arena and make sure that some marketing be established. Her stand is that Harrisville should be able to take care of all of its parks and the recreation staff with the money made from it.

She feels that when it comes to the City charging citizens to fix their sidewalks, the responsibility should not be given to the homeowner, especially when they are going to raise taxes 103%.

Mrs. Jensen has lived in the City for 7 years. She has a marketing background which will help Harrisville bring in business.