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Tim Shupe for Farr West City Council

Friday, November 1, 2013 - 10:30am
By Rochelle Rackham

Tim Shupe has been involved in Farr West City government for over 25 years and during that time, has seen growth and development flourish.  He desires to continue to be a part of that growth.

            If re-elected, his first attention would go toward fiscal responsibilities.  He feels a need to aggressively seek the tax base needed to maintain current infrastructure and plan for new growth. Mr. Shupe says he will support any effort to acquire funding from other sources, ie; grants, donation, etc.

            He believes that Farr West City has not yet made that step beyond proper authority, though they have come close to it in the past.  He says, “We need and appreciates those who keep us on our toes regarding the rights of our citizens.  Citizen input is very important.  That is why we have public hearings on critical issues.”

            As development continues in Farr West, he would encourage the zoning changes that promote healthy development that generates tax revenue without infringing on the rights of others, which he says may be a fine line, but very attainable.

            He emphasized that Farr West City government is a collective effort between mayor, council member, staff and citizens and all must work together to recognize needs and do what is necessary to obtain them.
