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Jonathan Johnson Proposes Elections for UTA Board Members

Tuesday, December 1, 2015 - 8:15am

Press Release: Jonathan Johnson Proposes Elections for Utah Transit Authority Board

In an effort to begin regaining public trust and make the agency more efficient with tax dollars
Sasha Clark
Director of Communications
M: (801) 719-1575

Instead of political insiders appointing UTA board, Johnson proposes Utah voters elect that board.

Statement from Jonathan Johnson, Republican candidate for Utah Governor:
“Earning and keeping public trust must be a hallmark of government.  Each government agency must be a careful steward of taxpayer dollars.

Public transportation is an important part of the community. But its leadership must use taxpayer dollars wisely as taxpayers pay nearly all of UTA’s infrastructure costs and upwards of 80% of its operating costs. 
It's time to change how we decide who represents Utah’s taxpayers on the Utah Transit Authority’s Board of Trustees.  Utah voters – not well-connected politicos and career politicians – should determine who represents us as taxpayers.
I propose the following:

  • Decrease the UTA Board of Trustees from sixteen members to nine.
  • Have eight trustees elected by the public. 
  • Have each elected trustee be from a specifically defined district (e.g., two per congressional district, one for eight equally divided population areas within the UTA service area, etc.).
  • Have one statewide trustee appointed by the governor and approved by the legislature.
  • Each trustee serves only one six year term.
  • Stagger the six year terms so three trustees are replaced every two years.

This plan will go a long way to restore public trust or, at the very least, hold the UTA Board of Trustees accountable to voters.”- Jonathan Johnson, Republican candidate for Utah Governor. 
Through radio ads, social media and email, Johnson is encouraging Utah voters who support this reform, to add their name to a correlating petition on  The general public may submit comments, suggestions and questions on this plan at