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Lee Calls on President Obama to Submit Paris Climate Agreement to Senate

Tuesday, December 1, 2015 - 8:45am
Senator Mike Lee

Click here to watch Senator Lee’s interview with Neil Cavuto. 


Lee Calls on President Obama to Submit Paris Climate Agreement to Senate


WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement today in reaction to the beginning of the United Nations climate conference in Paris.


“As world leaders gather in Paris today to begin climate negotiations, I hope President Obama and Secretary Kerry remember the rightful role of Congress and the American people in the agreement-making process,” Lee said. "The founders of our country were rightly concerned about the accumulation of power in one branch of the government, and therefore divided the power of making international agreements between the President and the Senate."


“Any agreement that purports to commit the American people to future emissions reductions should be submitted to the Senate for approval as a treaty. Any such agreement that is not submitted to the Senate is at best a short-sighted political stunt that would undermine U.S. credibility.”


Senator Lee spoke with Neil Cavuto regarding this topic earlier today on Fox Business. You can watch that interview here