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Updates From Senator Lee's Office

Friday, March 10, 2017 - 10:00am
Senator Mike Lee

Sen. Lee Speaks Out on BLM Planning Rule Repeal


WASHINGTON – On Tuesday, Sen. Lee (R-UT) reached out to constituents to highlight Congress’s use of the Congressional Review Act to repeal the BLM Planning 2.0 rule. 


“Instead of strengthening the relationship between the BLM and local officials,” Lee said, “[this rule] would have flouted the BLM’s legislative mandate by undermining coordination between the BLM and local officials, relaxing consistency standards and watering down state and local input in early planning stages where it is so important.”


Lee continued, “Effective land management depends, of course, on collaboration and on trust between the federal government and between local officials at every step of the process. For this reason, I am relieved that congress is going to send a repeal of this rule to President Trump’s desk. I am confident that he will have the support of many Utahns as he signs it.” 


A full video of this discussion can be found here.  
