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Friday, March 10, 2017 - 10:00am



Salt Lake City– Two new videos just released by HealthInsight and the Utah Action Coalition for Health (UACH) help inspire and encourage associate degree nurses (ADNs) to continue their education and obtain a bachelor’s degree in nursing. The videos are just one part of a larger project aimed at helping nurses become better educated and improving patient care. The effort also furthers the call by the Institute of Medicine for our nation’s workforce to become 80 percent baccalaureate prepared by the year 2020. (Utah’s nursing workforce is currently about 55 percent baccalaureate prepared.)


The first of the two videos is targeted to newly graduating ADNs and encourages them to continue their education and enter a baccalaureate program as soon as possible. The second video is targeted to ADNs already working in nursing and encourages them to return to school to obtain their baccalaureate degree.


“Ultimately, we want hospital systems, long-term care providers, and other health care professionals to spur academic progression in registered nurses,” Joan Gallegos, member of UACH, said. “Organizations with a higher percentage of baccalaureate prepared nurses have better patient care outcomes.”


Utah has a higher number of RNs with an associate degree as the qualifying degree for the first RN position (55 percent) compared with the national workforce (39 percent). Currently, associate degree applications for nursing are on the decline, but Bachelor of Science degree in nursing (BSN) applications are on the rise. The number of students accepted each year into BSN programs have been growing, with 608 in 2007 and 1,260 in 2014. Release of the new videos will hopefully spur this academic progression.


The videos were developed by HealthInsight, a nonprofit, community-based health care collaborative working to improve health and health care for patients and providers, along with input from local nursing educators, leaders and practice partners. Both videos include experiences by former and current bachelor students and explain how added education not only benefits the nurses doing the job, but also patient care and outcomes.


“University of Utah's RN-BSN program has granted me the opportunity to pursue higher education while also allowing me to continue to practice as a Registered Nurse,” said Andrew Stelter. “This program offers an unbeatable work-life balance.”


“We expect our nurses to be increasingly agile in learning and putting into practice the best clinical standards in patient care, even contributing to the development of those standards,” says Kim Henrichsen, vice president of Clinical Operations and Chief Nursing Officer, Intermountain Healthcare. “We feel nurses who have achieved higher levels of education are better prepared to meet this challenge in a constantly evolving health care environment.”


Both videos are now available at the UACH website, along with a list of baccalaureate nursing programs in Utah. Visit for additional information and to view the videos.


Joan Gallegos is available for interviews upon request. Please contact Paige Hoffman to schedule an interview.


About HealthInsight

HealthInsight is a recognized leader in convening and partnering with our communities to improve health and health care by advancing quality, efficiency and value for patients and providers. HealthInsight Utah serves as a catalyst, using collaborative efforts to facilitate and promote the quality and safety of health care to achieve improved outcomes and value for all Utahans. Learn more at



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Utah Legislature Passes Historic Bill Repealing Anti-LGBT State Public Education Law

(Salt Lake City, March 8, 2017) – Today, the Utah Legislature passed a bill repealing a state law prohibiting supportive discussions of “homosexuality” in public and charter school curricula and classrooms. The legislation passed with bipartisan support by a 27-1 vote in the Senate and a 68- 1 vote in the House. The bill now goes to Governor Gary Herbert for signature. The repeal bill was sponsored by Senator J. Stuart Adams.

“This is a historic day for LGBTQ students in Utah,” declared Equality Utah Executive Director Troy Williams. “We commend Senator Adams and the Utah Legislature for recognizing that LGBTQ students should be treated with the same respect and dignity as other students. The removal of this discriminatory language from the school curriculum laws will send a positive message that all students are valued in Utah.”

Last October, Equality Utah and three students, represented by the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and the law firm of Ropes & Gray LLP, filed a federal lawsuit challenging state laws that ban supportive speech about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in Utah public schools.

The lawsuit challenges several Utah laws and regulations that prevent supportive discussions of gay, lesbian, and bisexual people in curricula, classroom discussions, and student clubs. The lawsuit argues that these discriminatory restrictions create a negative environment for LGBTQ students, perpetuate discrimination and bullying, and contribute to the high rates of anti-LGBTQ harassment in Utah schools. The lawsuit alleges that the laws violate the U.S. Constitution and federal education law by discriminating against LGBT people and restricting the First Amendment rights of students and teachers.

Earlier this year, the parties agreed to put the case on hold while the Utah legislature considered a legislative solution. The bill passed today repeals the key language challenged in the lawsuit.

Said Kate Kendell, Executive Director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights and a Utah native: “We applaud Senator Adams and the Utah Legislature for acting in the interest of Utah students and repealing this outdated law. These public officials performed a great public service by recognizing that this statue serves no good purpose and actively harms LGBT students. This is a very gratifying development and a significant step forward in resolving our litigation challenging this stigmatizing and unconstitutional law.”

Professor Cliff Rosky, a member of Equality Utah’s Advisory Council stated: “The intent of SB 196 is crystal clear: all students are equal. We are confident that in the coming weeks, we can work with the Attorney General's Office, the Utah State Board of Education, and local school districts to resolve our lawsuit, by ensuring that the intent of SB 196 is carried out in all of our state's public schools and charter schools.”

Web version:


The National Center for Lesbian Rights is a national legal organization committed to advancing the human and civil rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community through litigation, public policy advocacy, and public education.

Formed in 2001, Equality Utah is the largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender advocacy group in the state. Its mission is to secure equal rights and protections for LGBTQ Utahns and their families, and its vision is of a fair and just Utah. For more information, please visit


Treasurer Damschen Urges Senators Hatch & Lee to Stand Up for States’ Rights

to Serve Constituents without Unnecessary Interference from Washington


Rescinding Rules that Protect State Innovation Will Reduce Retirement Savings Options for Americans


SALT LAKE CITY – March 8, 2017 – In recent letters, Utah State Treasurer David Damschen urged Utah Senators Orrin Hatch and Mike Lee to stand up for states’ rights to serve constituents without unnecessary interference from Washington – and uphold important DOL Rules that protect state innovation in the area of retirement savings plans.  The U.S. House recently passed resolutions of disapproval (H.J. Res. 66 and H.J. Res. 67) nullifying these Rules.

“States are laboratories of democracy and when states roll up their sleeves to solve problems locally – we need the federal government to get out of the way,” said Utah State Treasurer David Damschen.  “Many states have invested considerable effort these past several years passing legislation and developing programs to address the retirement savings gap.  Rescinding these rules would be disruptive, create uncertainty, and curb the very innovation needed to address this critical problem nationwide.” 

A recent study conducted by Provo-based Notalys shows that government outlays for new retirees in Utah will exceed $2.7 billion over the next fifteen years.  Nearly 75 percent of these outlays will be spent on the one third of our constituents who are least-prepared financially for retirement.  

In the letters, Treasurer Damschen noted that more than 500,000 private sector workers in Utah don’t have access to a retirement savings vehicle through their employer and nationwide nearly 55 million American workers lack such access.  These workers are fifteen times more likely to save for retirement if they can do so through the convenience of an automatic payroll deduction workplace plan than they are by establishing a retirement account on their own. 

“Nearly 75 percent of government spending on new retirees goes to the one third who are least-prepared financially for retirement,” added Treasurer Damschen.  “As a fellow Republican I ask you to join us in staunch opposition to this regrettable infringement on states’ rights that will ultimately reduce retirement savings options for Americans.”   

*Treasurer Damschen published an op-ed in the Washington Times on this  issue at:


Authors pen book of tips on managing millennial employees

Malati Shinazy, Amanda Diefenderfer launch marketing campaign to promote ‘Listening To Millennials: 56 Priceless Tips For Managers’


HILO, Hawaii — “Listening To Millennials: 56 Priceless Tips For Managers” (published by Balboa Press) started with authors Malati Shinazy and Amanda Diefenderfer asking more than 100 millennial employees what they needed from their managers in order to be highly motivated and engaged in the workplace. The results led the authors to develop immediately applicable tips managers can use to enhance the manager-employee relationship and benefit from the multi-generational workplace. The authors are embarking on a marketing campaign to expand the book’s reach.


“Millennial employees are different from their older bosses in many aspects. Yet older managers get frustrated when the millennial employees demonstrate these differences,” the authors say. “This book bridges the expectation gap between older managers and their millennial-aged employees by listening to employees’ needs and developing practical tips to assist their managers in meeting those needs.”


An excerpt from “Listening To Millennials: 56 Priceless Tips For Managers”:

… she told me that she did not want to be just a sponge. She wanted to be squeezed, challenged, and given more responsibility with mission-critical assignments. As I found opportunities for her, I was sure to provide her with clear expectations for the project’s outcomes, coach her, provide her with resources, and then let her run – yet I was always  available to answer her questions in a text message or in our weekly one-on-one meetings. Sometimes, I only needed to provide her with reassurance that she was on the right track.


“Listening To Millennials: 56 Priceless Tips For Managers”

By Malati Shinazy; Amanda Diefenderfer

Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5in | 144 pages | ISBN 9781504355254

Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5in | 144 pages | ISBN 9781504355209

E-Book | 144 pages | ISBN 9781504355247

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble


About the Author

Malati Shinazy, the primary author, is a baby-boomer manager and founder of Pacific Leadership Consultants. She teaches manager skills at University of Hawaii-Hilo College of Continuing Education and Community Service and for the Human Resources Management Certificate Program at University of California, Santa Barbara.


Amanda Diefenderfer is the proprietress of the wine and lifestyle marketing firm Big Red Marketing on California’s Central Coast.


Balboa Press, a division of Hay House, Inc. – a leading provider in publishing products that specialize in self-help and the mind, body, and spirit genres. Through an alliance with indie book publishing leader Author Solutions, LLC, authors benefit from the leadership of Hay House Publishing and the speed-to-market advantages of the self-publishing model. For more information, visit To start publishing your book with Balboa Press, call 877-407-4847 today. For the latest, follow @balboapress on Twitter.


Utah Technology Council Secures $4 Million 
Ongoing Funds for Engineering Initiative 

Utahns invest in long-term solution to add 400+ computer scientists and engineers to the workforce yearly in a booming industry

Salt Lake City, UT, March 10, 2017 – The Utah Technology Council, joined by Utah’s high-tech industry and the state’s eight computer science and engineering programs has secured $4 million in ongoing funds from the Utah State legislature to continue to fund the Engineering Initiative, further expanding the local supply of qualified technical talent. 

Since the 2015 appropriation, the funding of this initiative has added 657 additional computer science and engineering graduates per year in the statewide system—more than double the 250 promised in that appropriations request.   

Despite this astounding increase, thousands of jobs remain unfilled, hindering industry growth and expansion. However, thanks to this increase in funding, the initiative will address this critical issue by: 

•    Recruiting more faculty in high demand disciplines. 
•    Building capacity by creating more class sections and developing online alternatives. 
•    Boosting retention through academic advising and career counseling. 
•    Strengthening outreach to women and underrepresented minorities. 

Richard Nelson, President and CEO of the Utah Technology Council stated, “The technology community applauds the governor and legislative leaders for their vital role in strengthening Utah’s economy by continually investing in this proven program.” Nelson continued, “This is one of our greatest impacts in expanding tech grads, now with $38 million in funding annually, further amplified by matching funds from higher ed institutions. Creating an outstanding, well-educated workforce to feed into these high paying jobs is a win-win for Utah taxpayers as it increases taxable income, diversifies the economy, and stimulates additional economic growth.” 

In addition to UTC, 81 technology companies statewide endorsed the Request for Appropriation led by Representative Val Peterson and supported by legislative leadership.  

Richard Brown, Dean of Engineering at the University of Utah commented, “As the technology industry and Utah legislature continue to come together there is limitless potential for Utah’s economy.” Brown continued, “This funding will make an incredible difference in boosting capacity at engineering programs statewide.”


Utah Technology Council gives an influential, unified voice to the state’s 5,700 technology businesses and marshals support from government, education and community leaders. Visit











MARCH 10, 2017 - CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA - Alternative pop band, Drawing North, have premiered their cover of Ed Sheeran's "Shape of You", exclusively today with PopSugar. Listen HERE. "Drawing North has put their own spin on the song, turning it into an even hotter track", PopSugar notes. "We'd jam out to Ed Sheeran's version in the car, but this is the mix you'd want on at the club." The cover song comes ahead of Drawing North's forthcoming new EP, due out this spring. For more information on Drawing North, please visit:


Drawing North is composed of Michael 'Po' Pogson (lead vocals), Drew Southwell (piano, drums, guitar, vocals) and Jake Allen (bass, guitar, drums). Since forming in 2010, the three friends have constantly been at work, whether it be booking their own 40-date school tour of Australia, recording acoustic releases endorsed by Joel Madden of Good Charlotte or playing festivals such as SXSW, Sundance Film Festival, Australia Celebrates Live, Vans Warped Tour Australia and Groovin The Moo.


In 2016, Drawing North released their debut album, El Dorado, which was produced by James Wisner (Paramore) and released through Universal Music. The album peaked at #3 on the iTunes charts and received across-the-day airplay at Nova Brisbane, Canberra's FM104.7 and Sydney's KIISFM Planet Rock.


Today, Drawing North have played over 200 shows and supported international and homegrown artists such as Paul Kelly, Jessica Mauboy and Sheppard. As a result of constant touring and online promotion, the band accumulated an ever-growing online fan base, with over 35,000 fans across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and over 400,000 views on YouTube.


Drawing North are currently gearing up for the release of their recently completed EP, which will be followed by an extensive college tour of the United States.


For more information on Drawing North, please visit:


Upcoming Tour Dates

March 10 - APCA Nationals - Orlando FL

March 17 - APCA Northeast - Hershey PA

March 25 - The Back Corner - Nashville, TN (Pop Sound)