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Farr West September News

Monday, September 11, 2017 - 11:00am
Dawn Scothern / newsletters

Business licenses were approved forOmniFractal Incorporated – Chase Dickerson. Mr. Dickson explained his business is a software development company. Mr. Dickerson stated his client base is mainly nonprofit organizations. Mr. Dickerson explained it would be entirely home based and online.  

Evelina’s Educational Tools (Solicitor’s License) – Evelina Petrovaite.  Evelina Petrovaite was seeking a solicitor’s business license for Evelina’s Educational Tools. Ms. Petrovaite explained she is college student working for a publishing company selling educational books and website access to help students of all ages.

Majestic Grill – Kevan Bybee. Kevan Bybee was seeking a business license for Majestic Grill. Mr. Bybee explained the business consisted of catering. Mr. Byee commented there would be no onsite cooking, but there would be onsite cleaning.

MTK Construction LLC -Tony Weaver was present on behalf of MTK Construction LLC.  Ms. Weaver stated they will be doing framing jobs for remodels. 

Smith Family Park Update

Boyd Ferrin reported progress on the park is going on quickly, stating trees have been planted, the flag pole plaza and announcers have been started and asphalt should be going in on the 28th or 29th of this month.  Boyd stated that there is dirt on the east side of the pond that needs to be moved and graded.  The plaza been started and the bricks are in. 

Julie Smith stated she is the executive director of the YCC Family Crisis Center.  Ms. Smith stated they are a domestic violence, sexual assault and homeless shelter.  Ms. Smith commented that the YCC has provided 19,000 nights of shelter in the last year.  Ms. Smith commented there is a great need for their program, stating they also provide emergency services for those in need.  Ms. Smith stated twenty percent of those using their services come from that with our same zip code.  Ms. Smith stated they are requesting $3,000 annually from Farr West City to help with the costs of their program.  Matt Gwynn asked out of the data they have, would they know the breakdown between the different cities that share the same zip code.  Ms. Smith stated that for privacy issues, they do not ask.  Matt stated that does not feel like he is not ignorant to the fact that these kinds of situations are happening within this city, but that it is about accountability.  Matt stated he would like to see the amount of use the shelter is providing to Farr West residents by looking at historical data.  Ms. Smith stated they have not been asking for that data but would be happy to start asking those using the shelter what city they are from.  Matt asked if they are in contact with the local legislature to see about State funding.  Ms. Smith stated she attends the legislature every year seeking funding.  Ken Phippen stated he felt this was an important enough request that he would like to look over the data and wait to vote with a full quorum present.   With this discussion the matter was tabled for this meeting.
