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Sunday, January 12, 2020 - 11:00am
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Message to Trump supporters: I am sorry

by Wim Laven

1036 words

I am a committed to peace, and this requires me to acknowledge the dignity and worth of all humans. I fiercely defend human rights and work to promote equality. But I have a confession to make, when it comes to the people defending Donald Trump I come up short, and I must eat my crow and apologize.


I have watched people call you names, and I have been shy to come to your defense, but I should have because you deserve the respect that all people should enjoy. I get you. We do not have all of the same values, but we have enough in common that I understand. The name-calling is gratuitous; there is no reason for people to call you stupid—you have skills, you are hard working, you care about your families. I have written about the disrespect that people have shown my mother. She immigrated from Holland, and English was her fourth language, so it makes me furious when people belittle her for having an accent or occasionally slipping on word choice. Some of you misspell words or make grammatical errors, like we all do, but either way your points are clear enough.


Many liberals do act like Trump supporters are just bumbling rednecks. The truth, however, is two-fold: one, there is still no reason to be pejorative, and two, support for Trump is found in affluent neighborhoods just the same. This truth has been reported in many ways, but the trope lingers just the same. Sure, there is name-calling that goes both ways, but that is no excuse.


I get that it is hard to trust the media and the government. The lies about weapons of mass destruction were used as a fraudulent excuse to start a war for most of my adult life. Stories are sometimes spun and other times they are outright propaganda. I teach students to  generally have a healthy skepticism, because I want to be vigilant against fake news, and I worry that it's getting tougher to tell the truth from lies.


Here is who pays with their lives when America goes to war: you. Working class Americans get caught up in the "economic draft" that results when education is expensive, the GI benefits seem to help veterans earn advanced degrees, and so the ranks are generally composed of aspirational members of the very folks who have been wooed by Trump. It is absolutely sensible, and so, when he campaigned on getting us out of endless wars, that was a big hit with those on the front lines of risk--you.


Now it's time to ask if he's still your man. I beg you to do so, out of respect for yourself and your children. He's now relying on the US intelligence services to explain why he ordered the assassination of the Iranian general and up until now he's dismissed and waved aside all the reports from US intelligence that reveal him to have conspired with our old enemy, Russia, to get himself elected. You of all have the right to wonder, which is it? Trust US intelligence services or not? It makes a difference, right? 


The truth is, “I am the person Republicans have been complaining about.” I posted it in celebration of the two articles of impeachment.  I added, that it was not about hatred it was about affirming my love for peace and justice. I have called out Trump’s lies and failures since the beginning, but I have never given him credit. The truth is that Trump did more to oppose the dishonest campaign against Iraq than Hillary Clinton did and his targeted assassination of Soleimani is not so different from the countless extra-judicial executions ordered by Barrack Obama. Though it is worth pointing out that both the context and consequences are radically different, it is hypocritical when two different standards are applied.


The worst part of all of this was crystalized for me at an anti-war protest two days after the assassination. What I saw would make it impossible for a person who voted for Trump to join in. I know many many of you are disgusted by the thought of another endless war, and I have heard the complaint “I didn’t want to vote for Trump but I couldn’t vote for Hillary” hundreds of times, but there was no opening for conservative voices to oppose the war. There is no excuse for this failure and I want to acknowledge that. 


Conservative friends and strangers, I believe the country needs you more than ever. Conservatives used to be dedicated to and driven by principle. I may not have always agreed with your principles and values, but I sure want to wake them up. Please join us—accept my invitation—on January 25th in cities all around the world there will be a Global Day of Protest: No War On Iran! Please call your representatives in Congress and the Senate and tell them “I voted for Donald Trump because I thought he would protect my values, but I don’t want him dragging the U.S. into a war with Iran…” Talk with your other conservative friends, let them know that Republican senators are increasingly calling for no war, and reclaim your party and your values.


To every Trump supporter who was called racist instead of getting a chance to explain yourself, you deserved better. To those who know Trump is a bully, but who think he deserves a chance, calling you names was hypocritical. Civil discourse and dialogue is sorely needed if we’re ever going to return to honest debate in this country. Research on opinions shows 86.4 percent of Americans feel the military should only be used as a last resort, so it is important for conservatives to let their feet do the talking too. 


Trump is not thinking about a “last resort” he is on a fast-track to another unwinnable war. Great things can happen when we are united, right now 80 million Iranian citizens and all Americans need us to be united in calling off the dogs of war. These innocent people are not our enemies and they will bare the brunt of the casualties if Trump’s reckless campaign is not halted.


Wim Laven, Ph.D., syndicated by PeaceVoice, teaches courses in political science and conflict resolution. 



Sen. Lee Introduces Abortion is Not Healthcare Act


WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) today introduced the Abortion is Not Healthcare Act, a bill that would prevent the tax deductibility of abortions.


The IRS currently categorizes abortion as “medical care” and allows taxpayers to include abortions as qualifying out-of-pocket medical expenses on their tax returns.


“The government should not offer tax benefits for a procedure that kills hundreds of thousands of unborn children each year, nor should taxpayers subsidize such a practice. This undermines the truth that all human beings have dignity and worth, and that the purpose of healthcare is to heal and care for them – not kill them,” said Sen. Lee. “Our bill would end the preferential tax treatment of abortion and clarify that this gruesome practice is not healthcare.”


Specifically, the bill would amend Section 213 of the Internal Revenue Code to prohibit abortion expenses from being considered as eligible for a medical expense deduction.


Joining Sen. Lee in support of the bill are sixteen original co-sponsors: Sens. Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Rick Scott (R-FL), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Thom Tillis (R-NC), Steve Daines (R-MO), Ben Sasse (R-NE), Tom Cotton (R-AR), Roger Wicker (R-MS), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Tim Scott (R-SC), Pat Roberts (R-KS), and Jerry Moran (R-KS).



The full bill text can be found here


Dear Editor:

Please consider this very short and very insightful analysis and commentary by long-time foreign policy expert, Dr. Mel Gurtov on how Trump has handed a large advantage to Iran. For PeaceVoice, thank you,

Tom Hastings


Thanks to Trump, Iran has the upper hand

by Mel Gurtov

331 words

The assassination of General Soleimani is proving to be a resounding success for Iran. It accomplished what the ayatollah could not: common ground between Iran and Iraq, Iraq’s invitation to the US military to leave the country; an end to Iranian popular protests against the regime’s economic policies, and instead broad support for retaliation against the US air strike; and further division in Washington over Trump’s Middle East policy, including renewed calls for restraining him from attacking Iran.

So when you think about it, Iran has the upper hand. Early yesterday, before Iran sent missiles over an Iraqi base that housed US soldiers, I thought that Iran’s leaders would have every reason to be patient and not put retaliation against the US into play too soon. 


In fact, its better strategy would be to let developments evolve—let the Iraqi government keep up the pressure on US troop withdrawal, let popular anti-American anger in Iran continue to simmer, let the Europeans show their upset over how Trump’s attack has put their troops in danger, and let the Democrats in Congress continue to make life miserable for Trump and weaken his popular base.

Now, fortunately, it appears that there were no casualties in Iran’s reprisal, probably by design, and therefore no pretext for a further US attack. The opportunity to deescalate is before Trump. 


His speech on January 8 did not raise new threats, but neither did it offer Iran an incentive to move relations out of the danger zone. Just more sanctions, lies about Obama's Iran plicy, and boasts about US military power, oil independence, and of course Trump's exceptional foreign policy leadership.

The US and Iran thus remain at an impasse--still with no active diplomatic channel to avoid either another round of tit-for-tat or a crisis over Iran's nuclear plans. 


Absent anything resembling a diplomatic strategy, Iran is free to decide its next move: Feed on the successes Trump has delivered to the ayatollah, or test Trump's boasts again.


Mel Gurtov, syndicated by PeaceVoice, is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Portland State University.



How An Integrated Life, Not A Balanced One, Is Key To Work Satisfaction


In a world where work, family, recreation, faith and other factors compete for our time, people speak about the need to seek a “balanced life.”

But maybe “balance” is the wrong goal.


“The concept of being in ‘balance’ has the potential to set us up for immediate failure,” says Michael Sipe, author of The AVADA Principle and founder of the consulting firm 10x Catalyst Groups (


 “We talk about work/life balance as if work and the rest of our lives are separate things. But in reality, work and everything else are all part of one life.”

Instead of balance, Sipe suggests seeking an “integrated life,” where the integral parts of life are combined into a fully functioning whole. He acknowledges that’s easier said than done.


“It’s a challenge to determine what the integral parts of human life are, how to integrate them, and what a fully functioning and completely whole life would be like,” he says.


For Sipe, a major part of that integration involves faith. But his suggestions on how to approach your job so that it is integrated into the rest of your life are relevant regardless of spiritual views.


In Sipe’s view, work often gets a bad rap. Work is actually a neutral concept, he says,  and the larger evaluation is not that we “have” to work, or how much we work. Instead the key is to look at the purposes toward which our work is directed and to be intentional about how we allocate our energy.

In managing your attitude about work, Sipe recommends that you:


Focus on purpose. “One definition of work is energy directed toward a purpose,” Sipe says. “If you find yourself holding a detrimental attitude about your work, take a look at your purpose. Perhaps you simply are not directing your energy toward a purpose you care about.” If so, he says, consider changing your work so that you can invest your energy toward a purpose that matters to you. Alternatively, perhaps you have not connected your work to your purpose, and thus, your motivation to work is suffering.


Avoid griping. The more you declare that work is hard, bad, unpleasant, a waste of time, and a drag, the more it will be all those things for you, Sipe says. “Reframe work as good, as a joy, a blessing, a challenge, an opportunity, a privilege, an investment,” he says. “Loving your work is a choice – your choice.”


Take responsibility and take charge. If you don’t like your work, Sipe says, then change it. “You are not a tree rooted in place; you can move,” he says. “You are not a victim or a slave. If you are blessed to live in the Western world, and especially if you are blessed to live in America, you are free to do the work you love toward purposes you desire”


Ask yourself better questions. When things aren’t working out as you hoped you might be inclined to ask yourself, “Why me? Why is this so hard? What did I do to deserve this?” Instead, Sipe says, ask yourself: “What am I supposed to learn here?” He says you could also do as the late Jim Rohn, a motivational speaker, instructed: “Don’t ask why things are so hard; ask how you can get better.”


“The concept of work is simple, but we tend to complicate it,” Sipe says. “And work really does apply to everything we do. Yes, we can work at a job, but we also work on our health, work on our education, work on our marriage, work on our friendships, and work on our faith. It’s all energy applied toward a purpose.”


About Michael Sipe

Michael Sipe, author of The AVADA Principle, is the founder of 10x Catalyst Groups (, which helps entrepreneurs grow profitable and thriving businesses organized on a foundation of Biblical principles. Sipe has also enjoyed a successful 30-plus year career in mergers, acquisitions, and business development as the founder of CrossPointe Capital, a middle market investment-banking firm. In that capacity, he consulted with and evaluated over 5,000 companies and has provided advisory services for approximately a half-billion dollars in business sales involving hundreds of companies. He remains active in transactional work and has been a key advisor in mergers and acquisitions projects covering a multitude of industry sectors.




Austin Cox



Cox campaign reports raising nearly $1.2 million 

from 1,550 donors


SALT LAKE CITY (January 10, 2020) -- Today, Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox reported a campaign fundraising total of nearly $1.2 million raised during the 2019 year. The total includes donations from 1,553 unique individuals, the highest number among all gubernatorial candidates.


“Our grassroots fundraising from everyday Utahns shows the incredible support we are earning every day -- and the momentum is growing,” said Lt. Gov. Cox. “We have many donating to a campaign for the first time, some just ten and twenty dollars. Abby and I promised our campaign would be different and this response has been remarkable.”


Historically, campaigns have relied on a much smaller pool of Utah individuals for funding. Numbers from previous Republican gubernatorial campaigns are listed below:


2016 Herbert               500

2016 Johnson              241

2012 Herbert               900     

2008 Huntsman           221

2004 Karras                 630

2004 Huntsman           917


In total, Cox raised $1,188,598 - not including personal loans or in-kind contributions - in 2019 ($157,300 as Lt. Gov. and $1,031,298 as a gubernatorial candidate) and will carry more than $850,000 into the new year.


“While our campaign was announced early in order to visit all 248 Utah cities and towns, we have conserved resources as much as possible,” said Austin Cox, campaign manager. “Our success in 2019 allows us to finish strong in 2020. We know Spencer won’t be the best-funded candidate, but we will have enough to share Spencer’s conservative vision for Utah’s future.”


Ahead of the filing deadline tonight, the Cox campaign is currently more than 1,000 donors ahead of the nearest candidate and has more than all other candidates combined:


Burningham            395

Winder Newton       244

Huntsman                123      

Hughes (PAC)         66

“We set an ambitious goal and we’re proud of our team for reaching it,” said Ron Jibson, Finance Chair for the campaign. “But this is just the beginning. Our team, almost 2,000 strong, will continue to do all we can to ensure Spencer Cox is Utah’s next governor.”





Press Release



USDA Invests $48 Million in Broadband for Rural Virginia Communities



BEDFORD, Va., Jan. 9, 2020 – Today, U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Business-Cooperative Service Administrator Bette Brand announced USDA has invested $48 million in high-speed broadband infrastructure for more than 22,600 rural households in Virginia. This is one of many funding announcements in the first round of USDA’s ReConnect Pilot Program investments.


“High-speed broadband internet connectivity, or e-Connectivity, is essential to economic development, quality of life and overall prosperity in any community,” Brand said. “Under the leadership of President Trump and Agriculture Secretary Perdue, USDA is committed to being a strong partner to rural communities deploying this essential infrastructure, because when rural America thrives, all of America thrives.”


Wilkes Telephone Membership Corporation Inc. will use a $48 million ReConnect Program loan to construct a fiber-to-the-premises network encompassing 1,847 square miles. The service area is expected to reach 22,604 households, 19 educational facilities, eight critical community facilities and one health care center in Halifax, Charlotte, Lunenberg, Mecklenburg, Brunswick, King and Queen, Bedford and Pittsylvania counties.




In March 2018, Congress provided $600 million to USDA to expand broadband infrastructure and services in rural America. On Dec. 13, 2018, Secretary Perdue announced the rules of the program, called “ReConnect,” including how the loans and grants will be awarded to help build broadband infrastructure in rural America. USDA received 146 applications between May 31, 2019, and July 12, 2019, requesting $1.4 billion in funding across all three ReConnect Program funding products: 100 percent loan, 100 percent grant, and loan-grant combinations. USDA is reviewing applications and announcing approved projects on a rolling basis. Additional investments in all three categories will be made in the coming weeks.


These grants, loans and combination funds enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service. Insufficient service is defined as connection speeds of less than 10 megabits per second (Mbps) download and 1 Mbps upload.


In December 2019, Agriculture Secretary Perdue announced USDA will be making available an additional $550 million in ReConnect funding in 2020. USDA will make available up to $200 million for grants, up to $200 million for 50/50 grant/loan combinations, and up to $200 million for low-interest loans. The application window for this round of funding will open Jan. 31, 2020. Applications for all funding products will be accepted in the same application window, which will close no later than March 16, 2020.


A full description of 2020 ReConnect Pilot Program funding is available on page 67913 of the Dec. 12, 2019, Federal Register (PDF, 336 KB). To learn more about eligibility, technical assistance and recent announcements, visit


In April 2017, President Donald J. Trump established the Interagency Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity to identify legislative, regulatory and policy changes that could promote agriculture and prosperity in rural communities. In January 2018, Secretary Perdue presented the Task Force’s findings to President Trump. These findings included 31 recommendations to align the federal government with state, local and tribal governments to take advantage of opportunities that exist in rural America. Increasing investments in rural infrastructure is a key recommendation of the task force. To view the report in its entirety, please view the Report to the President of the United States from the Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity (PDF, 5.4 MB). In addition, to view the categories of the recommendations, please view the Rural Prosperity infographic (PDF, 190 KB).


USDA Rural Development provides loans and grants to help expand economic opportunities and create jobs in rural areas. This assistance supports infrastructure improvements; business development; housing; community facilities such as schools, public safety and health care; and high-speed internet access in rural areas. For more information, visit






USDA, FDA, EPA Launch Website for Biotechnology Regulation


(Washington, D.C., January 9, 2020) – Today, in recognition of January 2020 as National Biotechnology Month, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) launched a Unified Website for Biotechnology Regulation. The Website streamlines information about the three regulatory agencies charged with overseeing agriculture biotechnology products and is part President Donald J. Trump’s Executive Order on Modernizing the Regulatory Framework for Agricultural Biotechnology Products.


“Agricultural biotechnology has been and will continue to be an essential tool in helping America’s farmers and ranchers feed, fuel, and clothe the world,” said U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue. “From producers to consumers, all Americans deserve a government that delivers science-based, common-sense regulations that foster innovation, conserve resources, and protect public health—especially when it comes to the food supply. The launch of this unified Biotechnology Regulation website is proof of President Trump’s commitment to provide the American people with sensible regulations in a clear and transparent manner.”


“EPA is pleased to be working with our partners at USDA, FDA, and across the federal government to implement President Trump’s Executive Order and launch this new, coordinated website,” said EPA Administrator Wheeler. “This new website will help provide regulatory certainty and clarity to our nation’s farmers and producers by bringing together information on the full suite of actions the Trump Administration is taking to safely reduce unnecessary regulations and breakdown barriers for these biotechnology products in the marketplace.”


“This is a time of unprecedented scientific innovation. Agricultural biotechnology promises to bring dynamic new products to the marketplace,” said FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, M.D. “At the FDA, we are committed to fostering flexible, risk-based approaches in this field while upholding our mission of protecting and promoting both human and animal health and animal well-being, for example by reducing their susceptibility to diseases like novel influenzas and resistance to zoonotic or foreign animal diseases. Our approach balances our internationally respected, science-based review standards with our ongoing risk-based regulatory approaches to ensure the safety of our food supply.”



The Unified Website for Biotechnology Regulation describes the federal review process for certain biotechnology products and allows users to submit questions to the three agencies. The goals of this website are to provide enhanced customer service to innovators and developers, while ensuring Americans continue to enjoy the safest and most affordable food supply in the world and can learn more about the safe use of biotechnology innovations.