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Skeptical Climate Change Is Real? These 20 Academics Think You Should Be Prosecuted

Monday, October 12, 2015 - 7:15am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

Oct. 12, 2015


Skeptical Climate Change Is Real? These 20 Academics Think You Should Be Prosecuted


These academics are trying to foster the exact opposite of a "free exchange of facts, theories, and ideas." They want to end all scientific debate.

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Senate Democrats Scheme How to Force Gun Control Vote


Rallying around three "principles of action," a group of senators proposed laws to close background check loopholes, expand background databases, and crack down on illegal gun sales.

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Could Conservatives Support Paul Ryan for Speaker?


The Daily Signal talked to Republican lawmakers about whether Rep. Paul Ryan could win enough support to become House speaker.

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House Republicans Team Up With Democrats to Force Vote on Export-Import Bank Reauthorization


Forty-two Republicans joined with Democrats to force the House to fast-track legislation reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank for five years.

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Disability Rights Advocates Fight Back After California Passes Assisted Suicide


"Oregon data shows that people are getting lethal prescriptions who are not terminally ill."

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'Building Up Skills': How St. Coletta's Shops Fill a Gap for Adults With Disabilities


The nonprofit St. Coletta's Shops gainfully employs disabled adults in beading, weaving, and other crafts to prepare them for workplaces elsewhere.

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