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Alert for 3/12/15: Bad Bills Flying Through Statutarium

Thursday, March 12, 2015 - 9:15am
UT Gun Rights

Bad Bills Flying Through Statutarium
(Alert for 3/12/15): The statutory session ends tonight (Thursday) at Midnight, and there are too many horrible bills to report on them individually.  For descriptions and links to known Bad Bills that clearly violate UT Gun Rights' Affirmative Agenda, see

Here are examples of Bad Bills that have been, or likely will be, passed:

SB 214: Veterans Disarmament Courts
HB 37: Gun Control by Bureaucrats
HJR 7: Convention to Finish Destroying the U.S. Constitution
SB 176: Reaffirm Government Immunity for Abusing Innocent Utahans
SB 122: Deny Gun Owners Access to Surplus State Firearms & Ammunition
HB 79: Flagrant Motorist Harassment

Priority Good Bills Being Stalled by House & Senate Bullies
Meanwhile, House Bully Greg Hughes and Senate Bully Wayne Niederhauser, are preventing decent baby-step advances like SB 256 (Carry "Unloaded" Firearms Concealed) and HB 350 (End Victim Disarmament Zones on Buses) from advancing.  See the status of Good Bills at

What Can You Do?
Frustrated and angry at the manipulation, deception, and fraud infesting this state?  For ideas on holding this regime accountable and in reducing the influence of Utah's spider web-like network of corruption, see