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Home Business Revisions & New Voting Procedures

Friday, June 12, 2015 - 9:45am
Helen R. Taylor

According to North Ogden City (NOC) citizen, Tom Baguley, in a recent public comments portion at the City Council meeting, he stated, “Over the past 4 years… there have been 45 votes in seven different meetings regarding his (home business auto shop since 2010) permit; all 45 votes have been unanimous in his favor, and hopes… that he will be allowed to continue operating his business…”  Mr. Baguley added, “Complaints are typically lodged surrounding the time of his permit renewal rather than throughout the year, which is suspicious…” and that “code enforcement officers have investigated complaints… have been unfounded.”  NOC citizen, Kim White, supported him by saying “Mr. Baguley is very trustworthy and offers good service for a fair price…”  Kim feels, “It is appalling that the City could consider revoking approval of those businesses because of complaints that have been lodged by four people.”   Mayor Brent Taylor summarized administrative efforts by saying, “The Council and Planning Commission has spent more time on this than any other issue that has been considered in the past…”  He added that the two auto repair businesses discussed “did not actually obtain a permit from the onset and only applied for a conditional-use permit once the City became aware the businesses were operating.”  He reminded the Council of the past complaint from “an elderly resident who said that Mr. Baguley’s business is negatively impacting his and his wife’s quality of life. The issue has turned very ugly… and is disgusting.” 

Mayor Taylor then mentioned the general plan survey that was returned by 750 residents (8% of 10,000 registered voters in 2013) who “opposed or strongly opposed more intensive types of businesses located in residential neighborhoods.”  Similar to the gay movement (representing less than 3 percent of the national population according to the Washington Post in July 2014) that has successfully used the federal courts to eradicate marriage solely between a man and a woman in Utah, so too has NOC now permitted the minority to influence the Councils’ position on this matter, that was previously confirmed 45 times.  Auto repairs are now “Prohibited Home Occupations” with the recently revised ordinance that passed unanimously.  Council Member Kent Bailey offered the only consolation to the two Auto Repair owners when he stated “municipalities provide for an amortization schedule that will allow newly disallowed businesses to recoup the costs invested…”  Kent saw “the main issue is whose rights should prevail and it’s his opinion that the rights of a resident to enjoy the residential character of their neighborhood should trump the right of anyone to run a business in that neighborhood.”


The Weber County Clerk, Ricki Hatch, made a presentation to the Council for new voting methods to consider for the NOC 2015 Municipal Election.  There are 3 options: “an entire election by mail, a hybrid election where all registered voters will receive a ballot by mail, but will also have the opportunity to cast their vote on a machine… or a traditional election.”  Mr. Hatch added, “There have been no voter fraud cases in Utah resulting from vote by mail elections… and concluded the cost per vote for a voter by mail election is much lower than in a traditional election because vote by mail increases voter turnout.”  Both Mayor Taylor and Councilman Swanson voiced their support for the hybrid option, and the City Councel will cast their vote on the matter in the near future.