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Updates from Governors Office

Monday, September 12, 2016 - 3:45pm

State Board Changes Rule after Listening to Public Comments

Transfer and Appeal Language Removed from Interscholastic Association Rule


SALT LAKE CITY – A significantly revised rule passed by the Utah State Board of Education on Friday will allow the Board some oversight over the Utah High School Activities Association but stops short of providing any direction over student-athlete transfer policies.

After receiving substantial public feedback on a portion of R277-409 that would have loosened student-athlete transfer rules throughout the state, the Board struck all transfer language from the document. Additionally, language to allow the Board to hear final appeals regarding conference classification was removed.

Members of the Board also asked UHSAA leadership to further study its transfer policies and return to the Board with a recommendation that better aligns with Utah’s open enrollment law.

“We are grateful for and receptive to the passionate feedback we’ve received. We feel we’ve found a good solution that allows for some oversight over an association that uses school dollars and public property to operate while maintaining control at the local level when it comes to student transfer rules,” said David Thomas, first vice chair of the Board.

The vote and discussion in Friday’s full Board meeting count as a first reading. In October, the rule will return to the agenda for additional readings.

The amended rule would go into effect for the 2017-18 school year. It specifies that a district or charter cannot belong to an association unless its policies align with the following criteria:

·        Allows the State Board of Education to audit its financial statements.

·        Treat similarly-situated schools the same in applying its policies.

·        Allows the association to sanction a coach or individual who recruits or violates association policy and rules.

·        Provides annual training to adult leaders on child sexual abuse prevention, bullying, cyber-bullying, hazing, harassment, and retaliation.

·        Requires the association to establish policy or rule to govern the use of student data.


Governor Gary R. Herbert’s Schedule

September 12-September 17, 2016


**The Governor’s schedule is subject to frequent change**


Monday, September 12

All Day: Canada Trade Mission

Location: Toronto, Canada


Tuesday, September 13

All Day: Canada Trade Mission

Location: Toronto, Canada


Wednesday, September 14

All Day: Canada Trade Mission

Location: Toronto, Canada


Thursday, September 15

Flight to Salt Lake City


Friday, September 16

No public events


Saturday, September 17

8:30 a.m. Governor’s Day at the Utah National Guard

Location: Camp Williams



Lt. Governor Spencer J. Cox’s Schedule

September 5-September 9, 2016


**The Lt. Governor’s schedule is subject to frequent change**


Monday, September 12

All Day: Republican Lieutenant Governors Association Meetings

Location: Boston, Massachussetts


Tuesday, September 13

Flight to Salt Lake City


Wednesday, September 14

8:30 a.m.  Outdoor Recreation Regional Summit

Location:  Cedar City


11:00 a.m. Beaver County Community Collaborative

Location: Beaver


Thursday, September 15

7:00 p.m. Box Elder County Suicide Prevention Event

Location: Box Elder Fairgrounds


Friday, September 16

No public events