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Lee Holds Bicameral Press Conference on DHS Funding Bill

Friday, February 13, 2015 - 7:30am
Senator Mike Lee

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WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee held a bicameral press conference to highlight the need for the Senate to proceed to debate on the funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security. That funding bill, which was passed by the House, would fully fund DHS and prohibit President Obama from using any funds to implement his lawless executive amnesty plan. Joining Sen. Lee at the press conference were Sens. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Roy Blunt (R-MO), Jeff Sessions (R-AL), and Ted Cruz (R-TX), as well as many of his colleagues from the House of Representatives.
“For two weeks, Senate Republicans have been trying to fund the Department of Homeland Security,” said Sen. Lee. “And yet here we are today – with 15 days until DHS funding expires – no closer to passing a funding bill than we were two weeks ago, because Senate Democrats have repeatedly used and abused procedural tactics to block the legislative process. Now is the time to end the partisan politics and the obstruction of democracy so we can begin the debate over the future of homeland security.”