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Orrin Hatch Endorses Jeb Bush for President

Thursday, August 13, 2015 - 7:30am
Senator Orrin Hatch

Orrin Hatch Endorses Jeb Bush for President


Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah issued the following statement in support of Jeb Bush's candidacy for President:


"Our country is in the midst of a crisis in leadership. At home, our economy continues to limp along and too many citizens lack good jobs and opportunities to advance. Abroad, the United States appears weak. Our enemies no longer fear us and many of our friends no longer trust us.


"We need a President who will restore America's strength by promoting real opportunity for all and by reengaging with the world. Jeb Bush is a proven leader who has the experience and the commitment to get our country back on track.

Jeb has a longstanding record of conservative reform. In Florida, he cut taxes, eliminated wasteful spending, and reformed broken government programs so that they better served people most in need. Jeb created the first statewide school choice program, expanding opportunities for parents and students. He took on the teacher's unions and won.


"I am confident Jeb will do the same for our country -- creating jobs, expanding opportunity for all, and restoring America's standing in the world. Most important, I know Jeb will help our country move beyond the politics of polarization. He will work to unite our party and our nation. And he will reform government so that it serves the best interests of all the people. Jeb is a doer, not just a talker. And our country desperately needs a conservative doer in the White House. 


"For all of these reasons, I am pleased to endorse Jeb Bush for President of the United States."