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Senator Delivers Final Speech in Series Highlighting Importance of Religious Liberty

Monday, December 14, 2015 - 9:15am
Senator Orrin Hatch

Senator Delivers Final Speech in Series Highlighting Importance of Religious Liberty 


WASHINGTON—Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the senior Republican in the United States Senate, delivered the eighth and final speech in a series on the importance of religious liberty in public life. The series, begun in September, focuses on ways this fundamental freedom is under attack both at home and abroad, and is informed by his work on the issue spanning over two decades. Senator Hatch was a co-author of the original Religious Freedom Restoration Act.


Senator Hatch’s previous speeches addressed the following topics:

  1. basic principles of religious liberty;
  2. the history of religious liberty;
  3. status and substance of religious liberty;
  4. the balance between faith and public life;
  5. contemporary threats to religious liberty;
  6. threats to religious liberty abroad; and
  7. the importance of religious liberty to Democracy






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