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Bank Rolled: How Foreign Airlines Win Big With Government Subsidies and US Taxpayer-Backed Loans

Tuesday, April 14, 2015 - 8:45am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

Bank Rolled: How Foreign Airlines Win Big With Government Subsidies and US Taxpayer-Backed Loans

News: A trio of domestic airlines have joined forces to criticize competitors in the Persian Gulf that allegedly received billions in government subsidies. And that’s not the only government benefit given to these foreign airlines.

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Big Law Thinks Gay Marriage Opponents Are Like Racist Bigots. That's a Problem.

Daily Policy Focus: Sunday's New York Times stated plainly what many of us have known for a while: Our nation's elites are intolerant of ordinary Americans.

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Should Transgender Students Be Able To Use the Bathroom of Their Choice?

News: That’s the question Nevada lawmakers are debating this week, as they consider a bill that would ban transgender students from using a bathroom, locker room or shower different from their biological sex.

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