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Can Court Clerks Decline to Do Gay Marriages? How It's Playing Out in the States

Tuesday, July 14, 2015 - 9:00am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

Can Court Clerks Decline to Do Gay Marriages? How It's Playing Out in the States

News: In some cases, clerks and other court employees have resigned rather than issue licenses for same-sex nuptials. In others, LGBT rights groups and their supporters are demanding that employees with objections quit or be fired or impeached.

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What's Wrong With the Latest Greek Bailout Deal

Commentary: Will Greece ever stop making the same mistakes? The latest deal includes tax hikes, but not the reforms necessary to jumpstart the Greek economy.

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Police Officer Pockets $6,000 From Property Owners

News: A Tennessee police officer was indicted by a grand jury on charges of theft after he pocketed $6,000 from property owners who had their cars taken through civil asset forfeiture.

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