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Christian Baker Must Make Cakes Celebrating Gay Marriage, Appeals Court Rules

Friday, August 14, 2015 - 8:15am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

Aug. 14, 2015


Christian Baker Must Make Cakes Celebrating Gay Marriage, Appeals Court Rules


Judges say Christian baker's First Amendment right to free expression is not violated by designing a custom wedding cake for a same-sex couple.

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10 Lessons From North Korea Nuclear Deal That Must Be Applied to Iran Deal

The negotiations with North Korea provide some valuable hard-earned lessons that should be kept in mind when assessing the recent nuclear deal with Iran.

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The Racist Views of Planned Parenthood's Founder

Under Margaret Sanger's leadership was a program called the "Negro Project," which involved strategically seeking to decrease the black population by convincing black community leaders to introduce birth control to their networks.

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Foreign Policy Experts Warn Against Iran Deal, Calling It 'Threat' to US Security

Ilan Berman, vice president of the American Foreign Policy Council, argued the agreement threatens U.S. security and adversely impacts national interest, noting the amount of money pouring into Tehran's economy through some $100 billion in sanctions relief.

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The Questions John Kerry Should Demand Cuba Answer

There is a strong likelihood when Secretary of State John Kerry raises the American flag in Havana today, he will meet with General Raul Castro or other Cuban government officials who continue to support the FARC, a Colombian terrorist group.

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After EPA Spills Toxic Waste in Colorado River, Nearby Residents Hope for Recovery

Days after a federal agency accidentally released millions of gallons of contaminated mine water into a major waterway, neighboring local businesses are speaking out about how the incident impacted them.

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The Daily Signal is the multimedia news organization of The Heritage Foundation.