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Statements on Governor Norm Bangerter Passing

Wednesday, April 15, 2015 - 7:30am


Governor orders flags lowered to honor former Gov. Bangerter

SALT LAKE CITY—  Gov. Gary R. Herbert has authorized the lowering of the flags of the United States of America and the State of Utah in honor of former Gov. Norman H. Bangerter. The former governor of Utah will be laid to rest Sat., April 18, 2015.

The flags will be flown at half-staff at all state facilities from sunrise Thurs., April 16, 2015 through sunset on Mon., April 20, 2015.

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Statement from Senator Orrin Hatch on the death of former Utah Governor Norman H. Bangerter:

"Elaine and I are so saddened to hear about the passing of our dear friend, Governor Norm Bangerter. He served our state with integrity and gritty determination and was never afraid to make the tough decisions and do what is right. He had a strong will and was always true to his principles and beliefs. I could always count on him to share his ideas and wise counsel and there was never a question of how much he loved our state and nation. We will miss him dearly and send our thoughts and prayers to his wife Judy, six children, foster son, and numerous grandchildren and family and friends."  Senator Orrin Hatch

April 14, 2015


Lee Reacts to Governor Bangerter's Passing

WASHINGTON - Senator Lee issued the following statement tonight regarding the passing of former Governor Norm Bangerter:

"Governor Norm Bangerter was an extraordinary man who loved Utah and this country and worked tirelessly to make them better.  His leadership will be missed as his friendship will be cherished.  Our state and nation are better today because Norm Bangerter chose to sacrifice and serve."

Senate President Wayne Niederhauser honors memory and legacy of Governor Bangerter


Salt Lake City -  Tonight, Senate President Wayne Niederhauser issued the following statement on the passing of former Governor Norm Bangerter: 


"We were sorry to learn of Governor Bangerter’s passing, and express our deep sympathy and love to his family.  It would be difficult to measure the full impact he has had on the state of Utah. Those in the senate that worked with him treasure the memory and association. Those of us that came along later are grateful to live in a state that is better, to a significant degree, because of his vision and hard work. Governor Bangerter’s influence will be felt for generations."

UTGOP Statement on the Passing of Governor Norm Bangerter

SALT LAKE CITY – Utah Republican Party Chairman James Evans released the following statement on the passing of Former Governor Norm Bangerter:

"As we mourn the passing of Former Governor Norm Bangerter this evening, I encourage all Utahns to honor his legacy and remember the enormous impact he had on the State of Utah," said Chairman James Evans. "Governor Bangerter moved our state forward in spite of the many challenges it faced during his time in office. A cornerstone of Utah values, Governor Bangerter was not afraid to make tough decisions and did what he thought was right."

"Our thoughts and prayers go out to Governor Bangerter's family and friends and we hope that they will find peace during this difficult time."

Gov. Herbert statement on passing of former Gov. Norman Bangerter

SALT LAKE CITY (April 14, 2015) – Gov. Gary R. Herbert issued the following statement regarding the passing of former Utah Gov. Norman H. Bangerter:

“Gov. Bangerter was first and foremost a friend and a mentor to me. He was a great leader who accomplished great things on behalf of our state. I always appreciated his forthright and no-nonsense leadership and his willingness to make the tough decisions.  


“That leadership was on display as recently as this past Thurs. when Gov. Bangerter spoke to the leadership of the Utah Highway Patrol, our Honorary Colonels, and many other civic and legislative leaders at the Governor’s Mansion. As that evening concluded, I told Gov. Bangerter I valued his counsel and that I wanted him to call me at any time and give me his input. He assured me he would. His sudden passing is a shock to me and the state. We will all miss him.  

“The First Lady and I extend our deepest condolences to members of the Bangerter family, and express gratitude on behalf of all Utahns for his service to the state as governor, as a legislator and as Speaker of the Utah House of Representatives.”

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Rep. Bishop laments the passing of Governor Norm Bangerter


WASHINGTON— Congressman Rob Bishop released the following statement after the death of former Utah Governor Norman Howard Bangerter.


My thoughts and prayers are with the Bangerter family at this time of loss. Norm’s service to the state of Utah is unparalleled. He made hard decisions when it mattered most and he set a strong example of wise action in the face of opposition. It was a great privilege to serve as a state legislator during his tenure as governor. He will be missed.”