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10-3-2019 Trump Calls on all Nations to End Religious Persecution 10-4-2019

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 - 11:00am
Harold Pease, Ph. D.

“Our nation was founded on the idea that our rights do not come from government, but from God,” said Donald Trump, before the United Nations September 23, 2019.  “Regrettably, the freedom enjoyed in America is rare in the world.”  He explained that 80% of the world do not have freedom of religion and instead face religious persecution.  “Today, with one clear voice, the U.S. calls on the nations of the world to end religious persecution,” Trump said. “As President, protecting religious freedom is one of my highest priorities, and always has been.  

It was the strongest, indeed the only, real defense of religious freedom given by a U.S. president before this world body.  It merits the accolades of all people.

"The United States of America calls upon the nations of the world to end religious persecution, to stop the crimes against prisoners of faith, to release prisoners of conscience," Trump continued.  “Too often people in positions of power preach diversity while silencing, shunning, or censoring the faithful,” Trump said. “True tolerance means respecting the right of all people to express their deeply held religious beliefs. I ask all nations to join us in this urgent moral duty.”

This was not a surprise to the religious community.  Before the event, the White House issued a statement, "The President is working to broaden international support for ongoing efforts to protect religious freedom in the wake of increasing persecution of people on the basis of their beliefs and a growing number of attacks on and destruction of houses of worship by state and non-state actors.”

How serious is the danger to Christianity, said to be “by far the most persecuted” faith on the earth in an April 2019 study commissioned by the United Kingdom’s Foreign Office.  Dede Laugesen, executive director of Save the Persecuted Christians (STPC) coalition, recently said, “More Christians have died for their faith over the last 100 years than in all prior centuries since Jesus’ time” (Troy Anderson, “A Dangerous Time to be a Christian,” New American, June 3, 2019).

He continued, “The main impact of such genocidal acts against Christians is exodus. Christianity now faces the possibility of being wiped out in parts of the Middle East where its roots go back furthest. In Palestine, Christians number below 1.5 percent; in Syria the Christian population has declined from 1.7 million in 2011 to below 450,000 and in Iraq, Christian numbers have slumped from 1.5 million before 2003 to below 120,000 today.”  

Open Doors, the lead organization assisting persecuted believers around the world, reported: The persecution of Christians includes being “beaten, tortured, beheaded, crucified, raped, imprisoned or enslaved.”  Believers also face “losing their livelihoods, homes, and assets as a result of their faith.”  They publish an annual World Watch List ranking the 50 countries “where it’s most dangerous to follow Jesus” and invite help in bringing religious oppression to a halt (Obtain report at Open Doors.Com).

Such is intensifying in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.  Indeed “each month, on average, 345 Christians are killed for faith-related reasons, 105 churches and Christian buildings are burned or attacked, and 219 Christians are detained without trial, arrested, sentenced, or imprisoned.”  

Again, how serious is the danger to christianity, “Today, nearly a quarter billion Christians experience high levels of persecution in the countries on Open Door’s World Watch List.” This translates to “one in nine Christians experiences high levels of persecution.”  

Religious oppression is not always government sponsored but when it is, oppression is amplified.  Ironically a competing world religion, radical Islam, is credited with fueling much of the persecution.  North Korea, a socialist atheist state with an estimated 50,000 Christians, is Open Door’s most oppressive nation followed in order by eight radical Islamic states: Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Sudan, Eritrea, Yemen and Iran.  Such explains their “intent to erase all evidence of the Christian presence.”  Number ten is India with its Hindu nationalists, ironically another and competing world religion.  

China, another socialist and primarily atheist state, has approximately 90 million Christians and is ranked 27 in the World Watch List.  A vast majority of America’s Christmas trees, lights and decorations come from Chinese prison labor.  China does not use these symbols.  Christians already face required registration of their churches, and endure the jailing of their pastors and the closing and demolishing of their churches.  The government now wants cameras in and outside their churches and are attempting to pre-“approve the theology and sermons of pastors.”

Thanks to Google, Chinese Christians face restrictions not yet in place in other countries, such as facial recognition and the government’s social credit score technologies.  The latter “rates a person’s trustworthiness” [loyalty] from the collection of a person’s “finances [records], social-media activities, credit history, online purchases, health records, legal matters, tax payments, and the people they associate with—information gleaned from the nation’s hundreds of millions of surveillance cameras.”  Higher scores give people privileges and lower scores the opposite.  Christianity, considered a threat to socialism, is a detriment.

Sadly most Americans will never know of the Trump fight in the United Nations for religious liberty for the nations of the earth.  Seemingly none of the many good things he does are covered by the establishment press.  If this story is new to you, you should consider changing news sources.


Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College.  Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

=============== 10-4-2019 





Hey, everyone –

Here’s a very timely piece on student loan debt by our own Anthony ONeal. An image is attached.

Hope you can use it!


David N. Taylor  Director of Print Syndication

1011 Reams Fleming Blvd. Franklin, TN  37064    

(615) 614  4468

How Guilt Can Lead to Student Loan Debt          word count: 613

By Anthony ONeal


I know you want the very best for your teens. And if you’re like most parents, you’d do just about anything for them. That can make for some tough decisions when it’s time to talk about paying for college.

The cost of college is one of the biggest stressors for parents (and kids) at this stage in the game. Last time I checked, college is expensive. With the way tuition costs have been skyrocketing, it seems like more and more people are relying on student loans to get through college. In fact, that’s the norm at this point. Don’t even get me started on the $1.6 trillion student loan crisis in our country right now!

All the conversations around student loans might make you feel conflicted—like you don’t know the best way to give your kids the future you want them to have. You might even be experiencing some guilt as you realize just how big a financial commitment college really is. I get it. So, let’s talk through how guilt can lead to choices that ultimately won’t help your kids, and some alternatives that will help them.

Here are three reasons you might feel guilty as a parent when it comes to your kids’ college education.

You can’t afford it

Like I said, college is crazy expensive. A lot of people pretend they can afford it by taking out loans to cover the cost. But you know what? That only results in you, or your kids, having a huge burden of student loan debt to deal with when they graduate.

It’s actually healthier to admit your family doesn’t have the funds to pay for college. Talk with your teen about how college can still be a possibility by going to an in-state, public school. Also, look into work-study programs, attending community college, getting high ACT/SAT scores, grants and scholarships. I’m looking at you, FAFSA form!

You think your kids deserve to go to their dream school

I say this all the time: The only dream school is one your kids can graduate from debt-free. I understand they might’ve been wearing Ivy League swag since they were little kids, but they shouldn’t go there if they can’t pay for it without loans.

Real talk: A degree is a degree, no matter where it’s from. In the real world, the right employers are going to care far more about an employee’s skill set, work ethic, and character than where they went to school.

You feel like you shouldn’t fund your future if your kids can’t fund theirs

Listen, I’m all for higher education. But college is a privilege, not a right. If you have the financial means to help your kids pay for college, and choose to bless them in that way, that’s awesome! But that shouldn’t happen at the expense of your retirement fund.

Remember, college is not a guarantee—retirement is. Focus on building a fully-funded emergency fund, paying off any debt you might have, and investing 15 percent of your income into retirement. Then you can start thinking about your kids’ college fund.

There are so many ways your kids can get a debt-free education. And there are so many smart ways you can help them prepare for that next step!


About Anthony ONeal

Since 2003, Anthony has helped hundreds of thousands of students make smart decisions with their money, relationships, and education. He’s a national best-selling author, and travels the country spreading his encouraging message to help teens and young adults start their lives off right. His newest book, Debt Free Degree, is now available. You can follow Anthony on YouTube and Instagram @AnthonyONeal and online at or