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Updates from Utah Gov - Organizations

Tuesday, January 17, 2017 - 11:15am

Associated Food Stores Set To Deliver a Healthier Grocery Shopping Experience Through LiVe Well Lanes

LiVe Well Grocery Store Lanes in Utah

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, USA, January 16, 2017 / -- Healthy snacking is now easier than ever through the efforts of one Utah grocer. Associated Food Stores, in partnership with Intermountain Healthcare LiVe Well and the Utah Department of Health (UDOH), implemented a LiVe Well Lane check stand in all 43 of its grocery stores this month. The clearly marked LiVe Well Lanes feature only healthy fruits and snacks hand-selected by dietitians. Look for the lanes in each Macey’s, Dan’s, Dick’s Market, Lin’s, and Fresh Market store across Utah.

”Providing healthy options at checkstands is a significant step forward in helping families make better choices” says Judy Harris, a nutrition consultant for UDOH. “Making tasty, yet healthy snacks readily available, will make it easier for customers to make better choices. Associated Foods Stores is providing valuable support for us to improve our daily nutrition.”

Neal Berube, president and CEO of Associated Food Stores and board member of Intermountain Healthcare is proud of the program. “I’m grateful for the partnership between Intermountain Healthcare, the Utah Department of Health and Associated Food Stores. Together, we’re providing options for our guests to help them meet their individual health goals.”

Associated Retail Operations is a group of corporate stores owned by Associated Food Stores, an independent retailer-owned warehouse based in Salt Lake City, Utah. The corporate stores operate under five different banners: Macey’s, Fresh Market, Dan’s, Lin’s and Dick’s Markets. Learn more about Associated Retail Operations by visiting their websites:,,,, Associated Food Stores can be found at

Intermountain Healthcare is a Utah-based, not-for-profit system of 22 hospitals, 185 clinics, a Medical Group with some 1,500 employed physicians, a health plans division called SelectHealth, and other health services. Helping people live the healthiest lives possible®, Intermountain is widely recognized as a leader in clinical quality improvement and in efficient healthcare delivery. For more information about Intermountain, visit

The mission of the Utah Department of Health is to protect the public's health through preventing avoidable illness, injury, disability and premature death, assuring access to affordable, quality health care, and promoting healthy lifestyles.


EVERY Man-Woman-‘Child’ CITIZEN should know...

‘Our Flag symbol of our nations liberty’

MUST BE treated with utmost RESPECT,

tHE constitution bedrock of constitutional republic,  

one nation indivisable UNDER GOD with liberty & justice for all, must be obeyed-protected at all COST!

history of americas Constitutional Convention,

Thirty-nine delegates ratified the Constitution 09-17-1787, foundation Of a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC DEMOCRACY...

CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC DEMOCRACY: Government created by a labeled a constitutional republic democracy. The constitution outlines the way power is legitimately applied, whereas limitations on government power creates a democratic system, who’s citizens chose those they would have to govern them and can chose to remove them for transgressions against them through vote and/or whatever means specified in The Constitution, makes US a republic.

The American Constitution is divided into seven parts called articles, each dealing with a specific issue. The bulk of our document...Articles I, II, and III describe the structures and powers of the three branches of the federal government LEGISLATIVE-EXECUTIVE-JUDICIAL. Table below identified structure of Citizens Constitution Articles:





  1. Legislative Branch
  2. Executive Branch
  3. Judicial Branch
  4. States & Citizens
  5. Changing The Constitution
  6. Constitution Supremacy
  7. Ratifying The Constitution



CREATION and SHAPING of THE CONSTITUTION: James Madison’s...Madisonian model of government focuses on dispersing power among three separate distinct branches [legislative-executive-judicial] and establishing constitutional safeguards to prevent any single individual or group of individuals from controlling the government. Madison outlined this philosophy in an essay now known as Federalist No. 10 (1787). Madison worked closely with other delegates to shape the final document, for this reason, he is sometimes called the “Father of the Constitution.”

LIMITS TO GOVERNMENT POWER - Even though the framers sought to expand the powers of the national [federal] government, they did not want the federal government to be too powerful, so they limited government absolute power, by separating power accordingly:

  1. FEDERALISM - Is division of power between federal and states, governments, allows different levels of government to check each other a check and balance system.
  2. SPECIFICITY - The Constitution grants specific powers to the President [executive branch], Congress [legislative branch], Judicial, States [equal power of federal government, Citizens [ultimate empowerment over all] explicitly denies each of some others’ powers.
  3. CHECKS and BALANCES - The framers balanced the power of government among three separate and independent branches [legislative-executive-judicial] so that no one branch can dominate the others. Each branch of government has some specific power to check or limit the power of the other [s]:

·       President or executive branch can veto (prevent from becoming law) acts of Congress,

·       Congress legislative branch can override presidential vetoes, by specified senate majority, automatically making legislative law.

·       Supreme Court has the power of judicial review, ensure each law is within the confines of The Constitution.

·       Ultimately, Citizens of each State, in majority, constitutionally empowered to null-and-void any legislative law they believe to be overreaching.

  1. CITIZENS ABSOLUTE BILL OF RIGHTS - The first ten amendments to The Constitution make up the Citizens Absolute Bill of Rights, guarantees fundamental legal rights to all Citizens, including the freedoms of speech, assembly, press, moral religion.
  2. RULES FOR ELECTIONS - The Constitution ensures that states and citizen voters have the power to change the government. Only natural born and/or nationalized citizens are impowered to vote, to vote otherwise is a FELONY.
SEPARATION OF POWERS - The Constitution creates a government with three different branches [legislative-executive-judicial]. This separation of powers ensures no branch becomes powerful enough to overwhelm the other two.
1.    legislative branch (Congress) makes the laws,
2.    executive branch (president) enforces the laws, and
3.    judicial branch (Courts) interpret the law to determine if that/those law [s] within the confines of The Constitution, nothing more-nothing less-no deviations.
Each branch functions independently from the others, possessing its own separate powers and area of influence [authority]. No branch can accomplish anything of significance without the cooperation of at least one of the others. By dividing power in this way, the framers sought to prevent tyranny: No one person or group can exercise excessive power.
CHECKS and BALANCES - Three separate branches limit one another through a series of checks and balances. The framers wanted to make sure the branches were equally powerful, so they set up rules enabling each branch to stop the others from doing some things. The Constitution contains many examples of checks and balances, as illustrated by the chart below.



Legislative Branch & Executive Branch


Congress writes laws that be

within the confines of The Constitution,

can override a presidential

veto, has


of the purse $, control over the budget, ability to impeach the president, and approves presidential treaties and appointments.



President bound

to obey-govern within confines

of The Constitution, can veto bills passed by Congress, recommend

laws for Congress to pass, calls for Congress to

meet, also enforces, or executes, bills passed by Congress.  

Judicial Branch & Legislative Branch



Courts have


to declare laws unconstitutional,

hear cases

relating to

disputes arising

from laws


by Congress,


unconstitutional executive orders,

or regulations,

must basically determine by reference to The Constitution the legitimacy of, legislative law, nothing more,

nothing less, no deviations.


vets, disapproves

or approves judges appointed

by the president, sets judicial salaries, has some power over the structure and jurisdiction of

the courts. Congress also

has power to interpret courts’ decisions as legislation, rarely does so.

Executive Branch & Judicial Branch

President appoints judges, puts court decisions



has right to

pardon convicted criminals,  


federal agencies under executive branch of government.



declare president actions







LEGISLATIVE BRANCH -The legislative branch called Congress, divided into two parts, also called houses: Lower House of Representatives and the Upper House Senate.

I] Lower House of Representatives is meant to be “the people’s house,” or the part of government most responsive to citizens’ public opinion and/or demands:
·       a body of rational representatives representing constituents [citizens], who will perform their duty within the confines of The Constitution,
·       State [s] population determines how many representatives it will have in the lower House.
·       every member of the House represents a district within a State and its Citizens, 
·       each district has roughly the same number of Citizens.
·       To ensure the House accurately mirrors the changing population of the States, The Constitution mandates that a census be taken every ten years, to enumerate only citizens.
·       Seats in the House are reapportioned -or- reassigned, based on new census data to ensure each House member represents same number of Citizens.
·       all 435 seats in the lower House go up for election every two years.
·       Representation in the House with fifty-four seats since the last census of Citizens only, California has the most representatives in the House. Several states, including Delaware, Vermont, Montana, Wyoming, and Alaska, have just one member each.
II] Upper House Senate The framers envisioned the Senate as:
·       a body of rational prudent deliberation and statesmanship, who will perform their functions within the confines of The Constitution,
·       avoid changing moods of general population,
·       Senators elected every six years in lieu of every two years.
·       Senate also intended to serve as a check on excessive democracy,
·       every State has two Senators total 100 Senators, only one-third of the Senate is elected at a time.
·       selection of Senators... Prior to the passage of the Seventeenth Amendment in 1913, senators were appointed by the governors and legislatures of their home states and were not directly elected by their constituents.
POWERS of CONGRESS...  Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution outlines the powers of Congress. These specified powers are sometimes called the enumerated powers. The necessary and proper clause...commonly referred to as the elastic clause—also gives Congress the power to do whatever it deems “necessary and proper” to meet its Constitutional mandate.

Example: The federal government spends billions of dollars each year on highway construction, which is not specifically mentioned in The Constitution. Congress justifies funding federal highways through the necessary and proper clause: Federal roads improve transportation, which, in turn, facilitates interstate commerce, a power the Constitution does specifically grant to Congress. In other words, funding federal roads is “necessary and proper” to regulate interstate commerce.


  1. Power to make law: Only Congress can make laws. For a bill to become law, it must first be approved by both the House and the Senate. The bill then goes to the president, who either signs it or vetoes it. Congress can override the president’s veto with a two-thirds vote in both houses.
  2. Power of Purse $: Only Congress can tax citizens and spend money raised by taxes.
  3. Senate has some additional powers: It vets and confirms presidential appointments to key federal offices, including federal judgeships. The Senate also ratifies all treaties.
  4. The Constitution also lists prohibited powers, things Congress may not do, including:
  5. Passing an ex post facto law, which makes something illegal after it has already been done
  6. Passing a bill of attainder, which declares a person guilty of a crime, before trial of peers. Suspending the writ of habeas corpus, which requires police to charge everyone they arrest. Congress can only suspend this writ during times of national emergency.
  7. Impeachment...Congress also has the power to expel elected officials within the government, including the president, for committing crimes...First, the House must impeach the official by listing the specific charges. The Constitution states that a person can be impeached for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” which is not very precise... As a result, scholars and politicians have debated what constitutes “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

I] The Senate, presided by the chief justice of the Supreme Court, then tries the official.

II] Two-thirds of senators must vote in favor of conviction for the official to be removed from office.

III] Although the House has impeached a number of federal officials and judges, it has only impeached two presidents: Andrew Johnson in 1867 and Bill Clinton in 1998. The Senate acquitted both presidents (in Johnson’s case, by a single vote).

THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH Executive Branch - The president heads the executive branch. According to The Constitution, the president has five powers:

  1. Obey and govern within the confines of The Constitution
  2. Conduct foreign policy
  3. Command the armed forces
  4. Appoint federal judges and other government officials, approved by Senate
  5. Veto congressional bills
  6. Grant clemency 
Vice President ...The other elected official within the executive branch is the vice president, has following responsibilities:

1)     Preside over the Senate and casts the deciding vote in case of a tie

2)     Become president if the president dies, relinquishes the office, or is otherwise unable to perform the duties

The role of vice president evolved over time. Most vice presidents in the past were excluded from policymaking. After World War II, however, most presidents saw the value of including the vice president in discussions on foreign and domestic policy. Recent vice presidents, including Al Gore (1993–2001) and Dick Cheney (2001–2009), have been heavily involved in policymaking. In the new Trump Administration, VP Mike Pence will play a major role.

A Stepping Stone to the Presidency...  A fair number of vice presidents have later been elected president, including John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Richard Nixon, and George H. W. Bush, to name just a few. In the second half of the twentieth century, however, few sitting vice presidents had electoral success.

THE JUDICIAL BRANCH - The Constitution says little about the judicial branch. It names the Supreme Court as the highest court in the land and declares that the head of that court be the Chief Justice. But Congress, and not the Constitution, determines the size and structure of the rest of the federal court system.

·       Appointment to the Bench - To become a federal judge, a person must be appointed by the president, vetted and approved by the Senate. Once in office, a judge can only be forced to leave if impeached and convicted. Otherwise, federal judges serve life terms.
·       Judicial Review Power – courts power to declare legislative laws and presidential actions unconstitutional.  

Example: The courts have exercised their power of judicial review throughout American history. The Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954), for example, ended segregation in public schools. The Supreme Court made use of judicial review by declaring racial segregation in public facilities unconstitutional. That same case can be made by the segregation of Congressional Black Caucus and/or Congressional Hispanic Caucus. We are one people, one nation, under one Constitution and one Flag.






The power to make laws, power of the purse. Obey and legislate within the confines of  The Constitution.

The power to conduct foreign policy, power to command the armed forces, power to appoint federal judges and government officials, power to veto bills from Congress, power to grant pardons and clemency. Obey and govern within the confines of The Constitution.

The Supreme Court is the most powerful court in the United States, ensures all laws are within the confines of The Constitution, their decision is usually final.


FEDERALISM - system of government in which the national [federal] and state governments share power. The Constitution recognizes state governments and grants them certain powers, making federalism an implicit part of The Constitution.

Example: The national or federal, government and the state governments share power in a variety of ways. The federal government, for example, has little power in the formation of education policy, leaving each individual state government to set its own education standards. State governments also reflect the political ideologies of their constituents [CITIZENS], which is why different states have different laws regarding smoking, capital punishment, euthanasia, and so on.

However, each State’s Citizens, in majority, have the absolute right, empowered by The Constitution, to determine if a law is Constitutional, if so determined the Governor of that state must advise the Federal Government in DC it’s citizens and the State considers that law to be unconstitutional, therefore Null-And-Void in their sovereign State [s].

AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION - Article V of the Constitution gives direction how our government can change The Constitution, with the concurrence of citizenry in majority, state by state. A change in the Constitution is called an amendment. The framers intentionally made the process of changing The Constitution difficult because they wanted The Constitution to be stable. Although more than 11,000 amendments have been proposed since 1789, only twenty-seven have been approved, or ratified. Changing the Constitution is a two-step process:

  1. An amendment must be proposed by either a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress or by conventions called in two-thirds of the states.
  2. The amendment must then be ratified by either the approval of three-fourths of the state legislatures or by special ratifying conventions held in three-fourths of the states.
Informal Methods of Changing the Constitution ...Even though only twenty-seven amendments have been ratified, The Constitution has changed in other ways.
For example, Congress has given the president the responsibility of submitting a budget. The president has also entered into executive agreements with foreign leaders without getting prior approval or treaty ratification from the Senate, this is not acceptable by majority state citizenry, who are in favor of repealing that authority. By far the biggest informal change to The Constitution has been the Supreme Court’s assertion of the power of judicial review.

CITIZEN ABSOLUTE BILL of RIGHTS - Many states ratified the Constitution in 1788 and 1789 on the condition that Congress amend it to guarantee certain civil liberties. James Madison drafted these first ten amendments himself, which collectively became known as the Citizen Absolute Bill of Rights, safeguards specific rights of both Citizens and States. The following table summarizes the twenty-seven amendments to The Constitution.








Absolute liberty of moral religion, speech, press, petition, and assembly,



Absolute right for Citizens to own and bear arms,



Forbids quartering of soldiers in Citizens’ houses,



Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures,



Absolute right against self-incrimination, rights of trial by jury, and of protection of private property,



Absolute right to an attorney in any criminal case,



Absolute right to a trial by jury in civil cases,



Prohibits excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment,



Citizens’ rights not limited to those explicitly listed in The Constitution,



States rights not limited to those explicitly listed in The Constitution



Limits jurisdiction of federal courts



Changes rules for electing the vice president



Abolishes slavery, solidifies Slaves born in country are citizens



Defines American citizenship



Extends right to vote to all of age male citizens



Allows Congress to levy income taxes



Allows citizens of each state to elect their senators directly



Prohibits manufacture, sale, and transport of liquor [repealed 1933, 21st Amendment].



Extends right to vote to all of age female citizens



Changes start date of presidential and congressional terms; outlines presidential succession



Repeals Prohibition the 18th Amendment



Sets a two-term or eight-year limit on presidents



Permits’ Washington, D.C., electoral votes



Outlaws poll taxes



Changes the order of succession to the presidency



Extends the right to vote to all eighteen-year-old citizens



Limits congressional pay raises



LOST AMENDMENTS - Congress originally proposed twelve amendments as Citizens Absolute Bill of Rights, but the states only ratified ten.

  • First amendment that specified how many citizens each member of the House represented, never passed.
  • Second Failed...which stated that pay raises voted to Congress only take effect after the next election, finally passed as the Twenty-Seventh Amendment in 1992.

CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT PROCESS REAL WORLD - There are four possible routes to creating a new amendment:

  • two options for proposing, plus two options for ratifying.
  • in practice, all but one of the twenty-seven amendments have been proposed by Congress and ratified by the state legislatures.
  • one exception was the Twenty-First Amendment, which repealed Prohibition. It was proposed by Congress and ratified by conventions held in three-fourths of the states.
  • No successful amendment has ever been proposed by special conventions in two-thirds of the states.

Understanding your Constitution and your Absolute Bill of Rights, gives We The Citizens the ability to do exactly what our Founders intended...Citizens are The Constitution in the flesh and the absolute check and balance. Be vigilant what our elected Government is doing, challenge it when they overreach, remove them when necessary!

GOD, Family, Sovereign Yet United States of our Constitutional Republic.





STATEMENT ahead of Rep. Ryan Zinke’s Interior Secretary confirmation hearing

DENVER—In advance of Rep. Ryan Zinke’s appearance before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee this morning, the Center for Western Priorities released the following statement from Executive Director Jennifer Rokala:

“Throughout his one term in congress, Congressman Zinke’s actions have often failed to match his rhetoric when it comes to public lands. We look forward to finding out which Ryan Zinke intends to run the Department of the Interior—the Ryan Zinke who speaks up for our parks and wildlife refuges, or the Ryan Zinke who votes to undermine them? Senators should press Congressman Zinke for specifics on many issues, including why he just voted to value public lands at $0 in future land disposal bills.

“Additionally, Congressman Zinke must reassure the American people that he intends to stand up to public land extremists in his own party. Last summer, he left the Republican National Convention over a party platform that called for the disposal of national public lands. But he is already under pressure to appoint public land seizure advocates to key positions within the Interior Department. We hope Congressman Zinke uses this opportunity on a national stage to make it clear he will surround himself with public lands advocates rather than opponents at Interior.”

Jennifer Rokala is available for video and audio interviews. To speak with an expert about public lands, contact Aaron Weiss at 720-279-0019 or



The Center for Western Priorities is a conservation policy and advocacy organization focused on land and energy issues across the American West.
