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Republicans Begin to Unite Around Obamacare Repeal Plan

Thursday, November 17, 2016 - 9:45am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

Nov. 17, 2016

Good morning from Capitol Hill, where only an intervention by House Speaker Paul Ryan prevented the return of earmarks. Rob Bluey and Leah Jessen have the details on why that fight will be coming back early next year. Mike Gonzalez has a skeptical take on Obama's claims about his lack of responsibility for our current identity politics mindset, and Walter Williams isn't worried about how African-Americans will fare in the Trump era. Plus: Genevieve Wood on Democrats' woes, and Melissa Quinn on how to repeal Obamacare.


Republicans Begin to Unite Around Obamacare Repeal Plan


Under reconciliation, legislation under consideration by the Senate needs just a simple majority, 51 votes, to pass, blocking a filibuster by Senate Democrats.

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Obama's Contribution to Our Identity Politics Climate


While in Greece this week, President Barack Obama called the anxieties about national, cultural, and ethnic identities that impacted this election a "volatile mix."

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House Republicans Delay Earmark Debate Until 2017 After Almost Voting to Revive Them


House Speaker Paul Ryan will now oversee a showdown in early 2017 on an issue that became synonymous with government waste and pork-barrel spending during the GOP-controlled Congress of the early 2000s.

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Democrats Are in Disarray After Disastrous Election


Democrats are in meltdown mode and it has nothing to do with climate change.

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The Head of DOJ's Civil Rights Division Is Violating Federal Law and Her Actions May Be Void


Vanita Gupta, the acting head of the U.S. Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, apparently has been working in violation of federal law for more than a year and a half.

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House Republicans Promise to Be 'Watchdog' of Trump White House


"There's a lot of things obviously [where] we agree with Donald Trump, and will work to make those things happen," says Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio.

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Blacks Shouldn't Be Worried About Trump Presidency


In light of the many difficulties within black communities, focusing energy and resources on the election of Donald Trump is gross dereliction.

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