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Hatch Speaks Again on Human Trafficking Bill, Democrat Obstruction

Tuesday, March 17, 2015 - 9:00am
Senator Orrin Hatch

Hatch Speaks Again on Human Trafficking Bill, Democrat Obstruction


Washington, D.C.—Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, Senior Republican in the United States Senate, returned to the Senate Floor to reiterate his support for the Justice for Victims of Human Trafficking Act. Senator Hatch urged his colleagues to stop playing politics with the lives of women, children, and families. 


(Via YouTube)


A few excerpts:


On the Hyde Amendment

·         My colleagues on the other side of the aisle have claimed that we somehow supposedly snuck in a controversial abortion provision into an otherwise uncontroversial bill.

·         Mme. President, this claim is unequivocally ridiculous. First, the language in question was by no means snuck into the bill.

·         It was in the bill when it was introduced at the beginning of this Congress.

·         It was in the bill when those of us on the Judiciary Committee took part in an extensive markup of the bill.

·         It was in the bill when it passed unanimously out of Committee.

·         And it was in the bill when we undertook its consideration here on the floor.

·         Moreover, not only was this language in the bill from the beginning, but it has also been the law of the land for nearly four decades. Democrats in this body have supported countless other bills with similar language, including even Obamacare.


On the Senate Democrats' Obstruction of Aid to Trafficking Victims

·         My colleagues on the other side of the aisle are now threatening a filibuster unless we agree to their extreme pro-abortion position on this issue.

·         This ploy plainly demonstrates the minority leadership’s desire to muck up the majority’s efforts to exercise responsible leadership, no matter the costs to the victims of human trafficking.

·         By resorting to this sort of obstruction, they have demonstrated just how desperately they want to derail our efforts to legislate responsibly and instead resort to their tired and discredited war on-women rhetoric to win cheap political points.

·         For my colleagues to hold up this bill in an effort to seek to impose their extreme policy, to overturn the law of the land that has long enjoyed bipartisan support, to pick a false fight over abortion, or to try to embarrass the majority is itself embarrassing