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Wildlife news releases - March 15

Sunday, March 18, 2018 - 11:15am


DWR Announces Big Game Permit Proposals for 2018 Hunts

Depending on which unit you applied for, you might have a better chance at drawing a permit to hunt big game in Utah this fall.

Buck deer, buck pronghorn, bull moose and Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep are among the animals for which Division of Wildlife Resources biologists are recommending a permit increase.

Covy Jones, big game coordinator for the DWR, says most of the state’s big game species are doing well. “If you enjoy hunting or viewing big game,” Jones says, “it’s a great time to live in Utah.”

Starting March 19, all of the DWR’s big game permit recommendations should be available at

“The recommendations are arranged by unit,” Jones says, “so you can visit the web page and zero in on the units you applied for.”

Learn more, share your ideas

After you’ve reviewed the ideas at, you can let your Regional Advisory Council members know your thoughts by attending your upcoming RAC meeting or by sending an email to them.

RAC chairmen will share the input they receive with members of the Utah Wildlife Board. The board will meet in Salt Lake City on April 26 to approve big game permit numbers for Utah’s 2018 hunts.

Dates, times and locations for the RAC meetings are as follows:

Central Region
March 27        
6:30 p.m.
Springville Junior High
189 S. 1470 E.                                              

Northern Region
March 28
6 p.m.
Brigham City Community Center
24 N. 300 W.
Brigham City                                                               

Southern Region
April 3
5 p.m.
Beaver High School
195 E. Center St.

Southeastern Region
April 4
6:30 p.m.
John Wesley Powell Museum
1765 E. Main St.
Green River

Northeastern Region
April 5
6:30 p.m.
DWR Northeastern Region Office
318 N. Vernal Ave.


You can also provide your comments to your RAC via email. Email addresses for your RAC members are available at

The group each RAC member represents (sportsman, non-consumptive, etc.) is listed under each person’s email address. You should direct your email to the people on the RAC who represent your interest.

Permit recommendations

The following are the total number of permits DWR biologists are recommending for Utah’s 2018 big game hunts:

Hunt                                                    2017                            2018

General buck deer                              89,050                         91,050

Premium limited entry deer                184                              184    

Management buck deer                     61                                71
(including “cactus” bucks)

Limited entry deer                               1,191                           1,153

Doe deer                                             1,470                           1,955  

General any bull elk                            15,000                         15,000

Youth any bull elk                               500                              500

General spike bull elk                         15,000                         15,000

Limited entry bull elk                           2,833                           2,892  

Cow elk, public draw                          9,830                           10,090

Cow elk, private lands only                 8,790                           9,105

Buck pronghorn                                  849                              1,021  

Doe pronghorn                                    750                              760

Bull moose                                          68                                84      

Cow moose                                         22                                34

Bison                                                   148                              152

Bison (archery only)                           10                                15

Desert bighorn sheep                          53                                56                                          

Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep          32                                40

Mountain goat                                     106                              117

Mountain goat (archery only)              2                                  4

Big game animals doing well

While all of Utah’s big game species are doing well, Jones is especially excited about the following:

General buck deer

After the deer hunts are over each fall, DWR biologists go afield and classify the number of bucks, does and fawns on each unit. On 11 of Utah’s 29 general season units, biologists want to see 15 to 17 bucks per 100 does. On the remaining 18 units, the objective is 18 to 20 bucks per 100 does.

Based on the number of bucks observed after the hunts last fall, biologists are comfortable allowing more permits on 10 units. On six units, they’re recommending a permit decrease. On 13 units, permit numbers would stay the same as 2017.

On most of the units where an increase is recommended, the general rifle hunt has been split into two hunts—an early hunt in September and a later hunt in October.

“Permits will be split between two hunts,” Jones says. “That should help reduce hunter crowding and hopefully allow everyone to have a good experience.”

Buck pronghorn

A new management plan for pronghorn will give more hunters a chance to hunt buck pronghorn in Utah this fall.

Data collected in Utah and other states suggest two things about buck pronghorn in the West: excluding bucks that are taken by hunters, survival rates for bucks are relatively low (typically less than 80 percent). And they attain most of their horn size by two years of age.

“Because of these lower survival rates ” Jones says, “and because most of their horn growth occurs by two years of age, it doesn’t make sense to manage for older animals.”

Utah’s pronghorn management plan was revised in fall 2017. “The plan directs us to manage the population such that the average age of pronghorn taken by hunters is between two and three years of age,” he says.

In past years, most pronghorn taken by hunters in Utah were almost four years old.

“Because we are now managing for younger animals,” Jones says, “we can offer more hunting opportunities this fall while still providing a quality opportunity for hunters.”

Bighorn sheep

In the case of Rocky Mountain bighorns, a new population on the Oak Creek Mountains has increased to the point that hunters can take a few rams. “And the population on the Newfoundland Mountains is doing really well,” Jones says. “We’re excited that more Rocky Mountain and desert bighorn sheep opportunities might be offered in Utah this fall.”



Learn How to Hunt Turkeys

Free seminar on March 22

Sandy – A turkey hunting expert is ready to teach you the basics at a free seminar in Sandy.

The Division of Wildlife Resources is partnering with The National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) and Scheels to host the free seminar on March 22. It runs from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. at Scheels, 11282 S. State St. The event will be held in the conference center on the second floor.

You don’t need to register to attend. Simply stop by, and get ready to learn. Lynn Worwood of the NWTF is the featured presenter.

“Lynn is an expert turkey hunter,” says Scott Root, regional conservation outreach manager for the DWR. “The instruction he’s provided has helped both beginning and advanced hunters become better hunters.”

Some of the seminar topics include:

·         Where to find wild turkeys in Utah

·         How to tell a mature tom from a juvenile or a hen

·         Turkey habitat and food preferences

·         Daily and seasonal behavior patterns

·         The best hunting equipment and accessories

·         How to call in a turkey or stalk one that won't come to your call

Root says calling a tom turkey, and having it call back in reply, is one of the most exciting experiences you’ll have in the outdoors.

“Enticing that turkey to come within shooting range is a challenge that’s full of excitement,” he says. “The seminar will give you the tools you need to help you bring a turkey home this spring.”

If you have questions about the March 22 seminar, call Root at 801-491-5656.




Learn to Hunt Turkeys, Win Prizes

Turkey hunting clinic happens March 24

Parowan -- Young people and novice hunters can learn how to hunt wild turkeys and leave with free door prizes at the upcoming Southern Region Turkey Hunting Clinic.

Heather Talley says the March 24 clinic in Parowan is open to anyone 17 years of age and younger, or those who have never hunted before. If you attend, you’ll walk away with a basic understanding of how to hunt turkeys, as well as prizes supplied by The National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF).

“You don’t need to bring anything—just enthusiasm for learning how to hunt turkeys,” says Talley, regional wildlife recreation coordinator for the Division of Wildlife Resources.

Talley says several experienced turkey hunters will teach the clinic. “Having a variety of experts teach the clinic means you’ll learn a range of techniques that can benefit your hunting success,” she says. “You’ll also gain different perspectives about what it’s like to hunt turkeys.”

The clinic will happen March 24 at the Parowan Fairgrounds Building, 30 N. 300 E. The event is free, but you must preregister to attend. You can register at

After you arrive at the clinic, you’ll rotate through seven stations where you’ll learn about turkey habitat, turkey biology and how to call turkeys. You’ll also learn how to pattern a shotgun. You’ll even get a chance to shoot a bow and arrow.

The clinic runs from 11:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. A light lunch will be offered.

“At 2:40,” Talley says, “the rotation through stations will end, and we’ll present door prizes. The clinic will finish with a question-and-answer session.”

For more information, call Talley at 435-868-8756 or email her at

Young people and wild turkeys

Those who organized the event say getting more young people involved in turkey hunting is important to the future of wild turkeys in Utah.

“Many of us were introduced to hunting at an early age because our families had established a hunting tradition,” says Ron MacIntosh, Cedar City Chapter president for the NWTF. “As sportsmen and sportswomen, it’s our job to help educate the youth and mentor new hunters. Young and new hunters are the future of turkey conservation and turkey hunting in Utah.”

Jason Nicholes, assistant regional wildlife manager for the DWR, says turkey hunting is a great way to get outside with your family in the spring and enjoy the woods.

“If you’re just getting started in turkey hunting,” he says, “learning about turkey habits and the habitat the birds live in is the pathway to success.”

Talley says wild turkeys are doing really well in many parts of southwestern Utah. This has allowed DWR biologists to remove turkeys from dense populations and place them in areas in southwestern Utah where there’s room for more birds.



DWR to Host “Listen to the Owls Night”

Free event on April 5

Price -- Owl calls are a common sound effect in nighttime movie scenes, but have you ever heard the real thing in person? Here’s your chance. The Division of Wildlife Resources is hosting a “Listen to the Owls Night” on the evening of April 5.

Late March and early April are when owl vocalizations are especially noticeable as owl nesting season approaches. This is when biologists conduct owl surveys. They use electronic calls to broadcast owl vocalizations, then listen for responses.

The free event on April 5 will be held in conjunction with owl surveys in south-central Utah. The event in Emery County will start at the Desert Lake Waterfowl Management Area east of Elmo and conclude in Huntington Canyon.

“Great horned owls, barn owls and screech owls are common species in Utah,” says DWR Regional Conservation Outreach Manager Morgan Jacobsen, “but stealth and twilight often keep them obscured from plain sight. So when you hear one, it’s a special experience. This viewing event will be an excellent opportunity to observe these majestic birds.”

The event is free, but registration is required and limited to the first 30 people who sign up. To register, or for more information, contact Jacobsen at 435-613-3707 or Meeting times and locations will be provided when you register.


You Can Still Keep 16 Fish at Millsite Reservoir

Ferron -- The temporary daily limit of 16 fish at Millsite Reservoir has been extended for another year.

On March 12, the Division of Wildlife Resources approved an emergency amendment to the 2018 Utah Fishing Guidebook. The amendment keeps the 16-fish limit in place while upgrades to the dam continue at the reservoir in Emery County.

Justin Hart, aquatics manager for the DWR’s Southeastern Region, says the reservoir has been drawn down so the dam can be widened and repaired to meet new safety standards. Low water in the reservoir will result in the loss of fish. So limits are being temporarily liberalized to allow anglers to harvest fish that would be lost otherwise.


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