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How the Mainstream Media Gets Hate Wrong

Friday, August 18, 2017 - 10:15am
The Daily Signal

Aug. 18, 2017

Happy Friday from Washington, where officials are assessing a deadly ISIS-linked attack in Spain and the fallout from Charlottesville includes how we talk about blame for the mindless violence there. We've got a report on the leftist Antifa movement from Kevin Mooney and Ken McIntyre, and commentary on hate from Ryan T. Anderson, Katrina Trinko, and Jarrett Stepman. Plus: Fred Lucas on the man nominated to run a federal bank loathed by conservatives, and Chuck Donovan on an inhumane response to Down syndrome. Relax this weekend.


How the Mainstream Media Gets Hate Wrong


CNN's hate group map destroys the label of hate and trivializes the real evil that is out there.

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Far-Left 'Antifa' Agitators on the Rise in the Age of Trump


"Antifa is a coalition of hyperviolent activists who are far-left anarchists or communists," says Matthew Vadum of the Capital Research Center. "They could be considered domestic terrorists."

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Eliminating Down Syndrome Children Is Not Something to Be Proud Of


What is happening in so many countries around the world today is a surrender to fear, a succumbing to the harsh judgments lodged against those who are different, a prejudice against the weaknesses and imperfections more visible in some but surely present in us all.

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Why Cities Shouldn't Take Down Confederate Statues


It is a discredit to modern Americans that we are now undoing the almost miraculous process of restoration achieved by men who had far more reason to hate.

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Corporations and Democrats Join Forces to Block Trump Nominee to Run Ex-Im Bank


The business community of South Carolina is pressuring Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott to oppose President Donald Trump’s nomination of a critic of the Export-Import Bank to run the institution.

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Poll: Most Voters Want Confederate Statues to Remain


This poll comes as local leaders around the country are calling for the removal of Confederate monuments following violence surrounding a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where groups gathered to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee.

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In Misguided Response to Charlottesville, Apple Donates to Liberal Group That Endangers Conservatives


In choosing to donate $1 million to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Apple is promoting an alternate hate-filled agenda targeting social conservatives and others.

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