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Gov. Herbert signs first bill of the legislative session

Friday, February 19, 2016 - 3:45pm
Governor Hurbert

Gov. Herbert signs first bill of the legislative session


SALT LAKE CITY (Feb. 12, 2016) – Gov. Herbert has signed the first bill of the 2016 legislative session. He has taken action on two bills:


HB 60 Class B and Class C Road Fund Amendments, Rep. Johnny Anderson


SCR 7 Concurrent Resolution Honoring Those Who Have Assisted Korean War Veterans, Sen. Jani Iwamoto


Gov. Herbert takes action on nine bills


SALT LAKE CITY (Feb. 17, 2016) – Gov. Gary R. Herbert took action on nine bills today, bringing the total number of bills signed to eleven from the 2016 Legislative Session.


Bill Number

Bill Name

Bill Sponsor

HB 1

Public Education Base Budget Amendments

Rep. Steve Eliason

HB 5

Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality Base Budget

Rep. Mike McKell

HB 6

Executive Offices and Criminal Justice Base Budget

Rep. Eric Hutchings

HB 7

Social Services Base Budget

Rep. Paul Ray

SB 1

Higher Education Base Budget

Sen. Steve Urquhart

SB 4

Business, Economic Development, and Labor Base Budget

Sen. Brian Shiozawa

SB 5

Retirement and Independent Entities Base Budget

Sen. Todd Weiler

SB 6

Infrastructure and General Government Base Budget

Sen. Wayne Harper

SB 7

National Guard, Veterans' Affairs, and Legislature Base Budget

Sen. Lyle Hillyard