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Monday, June 19, 2017 - 12:30pm


  • Trending blast-resistant film technology is the difference in being able to evacuate students in the event of potential intrusions/attacks or other emergency scenarios
  • Glass, windows and doors require reinforcement to eliminate easy access from intruders; Solar Gard’s Armorcoat® film creates an impressive barrier to buy time and enable the initiation of emergency protocols  


(School Protection Video:


SAN DIEGO (June 15, 2017) – Trending intrusion-protection technology is the difference between our children, teachers and staff being able to buy time and initiate emergency protocols in the event of a potential attacker entering a school, or allowing easy entry. For this reason, the 2017 National PTA Convention & Expo will feature Solar Gard’s Armorcoat® Safety and Security Film (#SolarGardSafe) at this year’s annual event in Las Vegas from Thursday, June 22 to Sunday, June 25. The global leader in patent-protected film technologies for surface protection across the automotive, residential and commercial sectors will demonstrate the power of its bomb blast-resistant film and raise awareness for school safety solutions available to protect the nation’s most precious assets: Our youth.

  • Optically clear and virtually undetectable to potential intruders, Armorcoat Safety & Security Films provide an additional layer of protection on glass windows and doors, delaying attempted forced entry and helping to hold shattered glass together in case of impact.
  • Tested rigorously through a simulated school intrusion scenario (the video above shows Armorcoat buying 90 seconds of time for evacuation, hiding or lockdown procedure to be put in action), Armorcoat Films have been successfully installed on prominent buildings all over the world, including national landmarks like the U.S. Capitol Building, Library of Congress, J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building and the U.S. Institute of Peace.

“The reality is that we’re living in dangerous and unpredictable times,” said Kendall Combs, global marketing director for Solar Gard. “It’s PTA’s mission to make every child’s potential a reality by providing our children with a safe and secure environment to grow and learn. We take that mission seriously and are leading the trend on technology that truly makes the difference in significantly resisting and effectively delaying potential intruders from entering schools through the most obvious entry points: windows, glass and doors. Armorcoat has been trusted by school districts of all sizes and countless government buildings such as the Library of Congress and the U.S. Capitol – and we look forward to sharing that expertise with even more of our colleagues at the PTA Convention.”

The 2017 National PTA Convention & Expo will feature over 1,500 of the nation's most influential leaders in education, parents and experts as well as more than 120 exhibits from companies and nonprofit organizations providing products and services for PTAs and schools. Solar Gard will be making its debut appearance at this year’s event to showcase the advanced technology available to protect some of our countries most precious valuables – children, parents, teachers and families.

For more information or to join the event, please contact Solar Gard’s public relations team at or 951-719-1040.

About Solar Gard:
Solar Gard is a global leader in patent-protected film technologies for solar control and surface protection across the automotive, residential and commercial industries. As the Specialty Films Division of the global glass and building technology icon Saint-Gobain – a company whose 350-year legacy originated with the Hall of Mirrors in Paris’ Palace of Versailles – Solar Gard builds upon decades of work to offer proprietary solar control and safety film solutions. The company’s product portfolio delivers unmatched results in enhancing and protecting vehicles, homes and buildings, and most importantly, the passengers, residents and tenants inside. Follow Solar Gard on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. #SolarGard
