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What Makes This Houston Ballot Measure So Threatening

Monday, November 2, 2015 - 9:45am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell


Nov. 2, 2015


What Makes This Houston Ballot Measure So Threatening


On Tuesday, citizens of Texas's most populous city will go to the polls to vote on a controversial "sexual orientation and gender identity" measure.

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Jonah Goldberg Talks Obama's Inability to Compromise


National Review's Jonah Goldberg says President Barack Obama may talk about compromise, but at the end of the day, on issues from gun control to immigration to the budget, he wants the whole loaf or nothing.

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Obamacare Co-Ops Are Failing at a Rate of 50 Percent. Here's Why.


Obamacare has made health insurance costlier and the business of offering it riskier.

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Two Reasons to Reject Barack Obama's 'Clean Power Plan' for Climate Change


Reason No. 1: The Clean Power Plan does next to nothing to reduce global temperatures.

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The Truth About Dan Rather's Deceptive Reporting on George W. Bush


Dan Rather's role in a 2004 CBS News report about President George W. Bush is the subject of the new movie "Truth," featuring Cate Blanchett and Robert Redford. The film leaves out some important facts.

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Republican Committee Chairmen Want Answers About Twice-Deported Illegal Immigrant Who Allegedly Raped a Woman


The chairmen of both the Senate and House Judiciary Committees have sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson concerning a twice-deported man who allegedly kidnapped, trafficked, and repeatedly raped a woman in Missouri.

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