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The Government Seized $100K From This Family's Bank Accounts, College Savings

Wednesday, November 2, 2016 - 2:30pm
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell


Nov. 2, 2016

Here in the nation's capital, the D.C. Council just voted to allow physician-assisted suicide. If the council makes that decision final, Ryan T. Anderson argues, we'll be worse off. How could the government grab a family's savings? Melissa Quinn has that story. The Supreme Court will take up a case involving the Obama administration's transgender bathroom mandate for schools, but lots of similar cases are out there. Kelsey Harkness reports. Plus: Beverly Hallberg on talking about assisted suicide, and Fred Lucas on the first October surprise.


The Government Seized $100K From This Family's Bank Accounts, College Savings


In total, law enforcement seized $55,258 from James Slatic's checking and savings account, $34,174 from Annette Slatic's account, and a combined $11,260 from Lily and Penny Cohen's savings accounts—money designated to pay for college.

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Transgender Bathroom Cases Supreme Court Won't Hear, and Why They Matter


Nationwide, at least 13 other lawsuits address the issues of transgender students and bathrooms and locker rooms. So far, courts have been divided in their rulings.

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DC Council Votes to Allow Physician-Assisted Suicide. That'll Change Us All, for the Worse.


Legalizing assisted suicide says that some lives are unworthy of legal protection. That if you're sick enough or disabled enough, you're better off dead.

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America's First 'October Surprise'


The letter, titled, "The Public Conduct and Character of John Adams," wasn't supposed to be for public consumption but—as still happens—it leaked.

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Tackling the Claims of 'Right to Die'


In her Coffee Talk column, communications expert Beverly Hallberg shows how to win the argument on physician-assisted suicide, while still expressing compassion.

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