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Updates from Senator Hatch

Tuesday, May 2, 2017 - 10:00am
Senator Orrin Hatch

President Praises Hatch's Leadership in Giving Utahns a Voice on Bears Ears


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the senior Republican in the United States Senate, praised President Trump for signing an executive order this morning calling for a review of national monuments—in particular, Utah’s Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments. In recognition of Senator Hatch’s leadership on this issue, the White House asked that he attend today’s signing ceremony at the Department of the Interior.



(Video Via YouTube)


“Today’s executive action is the culmination of months of hard work and close coordination with the White House,” Hatch said. “When I first spoke with President Trump in the Oval Office during his first week on the job, I asked for his help in addressing the Bears Ears debacle. From day one, our President has been committed to helping us fix this disaster and ensuring that our smallest counties get a fair shake. For years, I have fought to give voice to the needs of our rural communities in the debate over public lands. Time and again, past Presidents have abused their authority under the Antiquities Act to satisfy the demands of an extreme environmental agenda. But no more. Following today’s action, I look forward to working with the Trump administration to establish a new precedent of collaboration and trust between states and the federal government as we work toward a shared goal of preserving our cultural antiquities.”


President Trump Praised Hatch’s persistence, saying “I also want to recognize Senator Orrin Hatch, who believe me, he's tough. He would call me and call me and say you've got to do this. Is that right? You didn't stop. He doesn't give up, and he is shocked that I'm doing it, but I'm doing it because it's the right thing to do. I really have to point you out, you didn't stop.”


Following the signing, Senator Hatch met privately with President Trump and Vice-President Pence to discuss the next steps for Bears Ears, including the review process ordered in the President’s executive action.





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Following Executive Order, Hatch, Pence, and Trump Meet to Discuss Next Steps for Bears Ears


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the senior Republican in the United States Senate, praised President Trump for signing an executive order this morning calling for a review of national monuments—in particular, Utah’s Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments. In recognition of Senator Hatch’s leadership on this issue, the White House asked that he attend today’s signing ceremony at the Department of the Interior.



“Today’s executive action is the culmination of months of hard work and close coordination with the White House,” Hatch said. “When I first spoke with President Trump in the Oval Office during his first week on the job, I asked for his help in addressing the Bears Ears debacle. From day one, our President has been committed to helping us fix this disaster and ensuring that our smallest counties get a fair shake. For years, I have fought to give voice to the needs of our rural communities in the debate over public lands. Time and again, past Presidents have abused their authority under the Antiquities Act to satisfy the demands of an extreme environmental agenda. But no more. Following today’s action, I look forward to working with the Trump administration to establish a new precedent of collaboration and trust between states and the federal government as we work toward a shared goal of preserving our cultural antiquities.”


President Trump Praised Hatch’s persistence, saying “I also want to recognize Senator Orrin Hatch, who believe me, he's tough. He would call me and call me and say you've got to do this. Is that right? You didn't stop. He doesn't give up, and he is shocked that I'm doing it, but I'm doing it because it's the right thing to do. I really have to point you out, you didn't stop.”


Following the signing, Senator Hatch met privately with President Trump and Vice-President Pence to discuss the next steps for Bears Ears, including the review process ordered in the President’s executive action.

 Following Executive Order, Hatch, Pence, and Trump Meet to Discuss Next Steps for Bears Ears


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the senior Republican in the United States Senate, praised President Trump for signing an executive order this morning calling for a review of national monuments—in particular, Utah’s Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments. In recognition of Senator Hatch’s leadership on this issue, the White House asked that he attend today’s signing ceremony at the Department of the Interior.



“Today’s executive action is the culmination of months of hard work and close coordination with the White House,” Hatch said. “When I first spoke with President Trump in the Oval Office during his first week on the job, I asked for his help in addressing the Bears Ears debacle. From day one, our President has been committed to helping us fix this disaster and ensuring that our smallest counties get a fair shake. For years, I have fought to give voice to the needs of our rural communities in the debate over public lands. Time and again, past Presidents have abused their authority under the Antiquities Act to satisfy the demands of an extreme environmental agenda. But no more. Following today’s action, I look forward to working with the Trump administration to establish a new precedent of collaboration and trust between states and the federal government as we work toward a shared goal of preserving our cultural antiquities.”


President Trump Praised Hatch’s persistence, saying “I also want to recognize Senator Orrin Hatch, who believe me, he's tough. He would call me and call me and say you've got to do this. Is that right? You didn't stop. He doesn't give up, and he is shocked that I'm doing it, but I'm doing it because it's the right thing to do. I really have to point you out, you didn't stop.”


Following the signing, Senator Hatch met privately with President Trump and Vice-President Pence to discuss the next steps for Bears Ears, including the review process ordered in the President’s executive action.


 Non-Partisan Study Names Hatch Most Effective Legislator in Congress



A new non-partisan study conducted by tech startup FiscalNote and featured in Newsweek has named Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the most effective legislator in the United States Senate. Senator Hatch’s top ranking is based on key factors that include both the number and substance of legislation passed.  


According to FiscalNote, the company’s proprietary algorithm weights 12 factors for each individual, including bills sponsored, bills out of committee, bills to the floor and bills enacted, with each stage receiving more importance. A legislator’s score for each stage is further weighted by whether the bill is substantive (i.e., attempts meaningful change) or non-substantive (e.g., a resolution, memorial or commendation) as well as the legislator’s performance relative to other members of the chamber.  

 “I represent a generation of lawmakers brought up on the principles of bipartisanship and compromise,” Hatch said. “And I believe that these very virtues are the keys to my success as a legislator. In an era of endless gridlock and increasing polarization, there is no alternative to civility and healthy debate.  As Senators today, we miss too many opportunities to effect meaningful change by hiding behind partisan differences. We must take the opposite course by renewing our efforts to reach across the aisle to overcome division and forge consensus. There is no better template for effective, bipartisan legislating. This is the model I have followed for decades for the betterment of Utah and the nation.”



Hatch: What Trump’s Executive Order Means for the Utah and the West


Yesterday we took a meaningful first step to fix past abuses under the Antiquities Act. Yet there is still much work to be done. I look forward to working with the White House every step of the way.


Washington, D.C.Senator Orrin Hatch, R-UT, the senior Republican in the United States Senate, spoke on the Senate floor today on the President’s antiquities act executive order, which he signed yesterday at the Department of the Interior. In his remarks this evening, Senator Hatch outlined what the President’s executive order means for Utah and the West. 

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Hatch Highlights ‘Once-in-a-Generation’ Opportunity on Tax Reform



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Hatch, Feinstein Introduce Legislation to Curb Religious Hate Crimes


Washington, D.C.—This afternoon, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), the longest-serving member and former Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, joined Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the current ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, in introducing the Protecting Religious Affiliated Institutions Act—a bipartisan proposal that will strengthen protections for religious minorities in the face of increasing persecution.


“In recent years, we’ve witnessed an alarming upsurge in threats of violence made against religious institutions,” Hatch said. “I’ve long held that an attack on one religion is an attack on all, which is why I have worked tirelessly to strengthen religious liberty protections for people of all faiths. This bill is part and parcel to that effort. By giving law enforcement officials the tools they need to prosecute individuals who threaten to deface, damage, or destroy religious property, we can safeguard the freedom to worship for future generations.”  


Hatch will also discuss the legislation in today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on “Responses to the Increase in Religious Hate Crimes.”  




This bill:

  • Expands the criminal code to include threats to intentionally deface, damage, or destroy any religious property or to threaten to obstruct—by force or threat of force—the enjoyment of a person’s free exercise of their religious beliefs.
  • The current law only criminalizes attempts or actual damage to religious property or obstruction of a person’s free exercise of their religious beliefs.


The bill is endorsed by the Anti-Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, and the Republican Jewish Coalition.