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Farr West - Spotlight - Farr West Urgent Care

Wednesday, July 2, 2014 - 9:45am
Dakota Tuck

For a parent with a sick child the weekend is something to dread. What if the fever spikes? What if it’s strep? What if I really need to see a Dr.? Until now your choice was pretty much too either try to postpone until Monday or make the expensive trip to the Emergency (Yikes and UGH!!). A new urgent care center in Farr West now takes the worry out of the weekend (the building is beautiful and the staff is friendly!!). Kristie A. Palfreyman now provides urgent medical care Monday-Saturday 9am-9pm (amazing right?) and if that isn’t enough they are also open Sunday from 10-4pm. One of the best services they offer is Sports and Scout physicals for  just $20, no more worries about squeezing in that appointment  you can now schedule it for in the evening or on the weekend.  So if you have the dreaded sick child on the weekend swing by 2850 N 2000 W. Ste 101, Farr West, and put your mind and wallet at ease!! Call 801-732-0805 for your appointments
