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Lomond View Elementary

Tuesday, January 21, 2014 - 1:45pm




29   |   Parent Teacher Conf/ Book Fair 


School & PTA Fundraisers
In the past, we have asked for donations to help fund activities that are funded by the PTA. We thank those who have been so willing to donate. However, we are still in need of your support so we can continue to have class parties, 6th grade dance, Family Fun Week, and other items PTA funds..

PTA Board and Commissioners
We are in need of some people to be on the nominating committee and volunteers for next year's PTA. This committee helps call and request help with the different PTA Commissions. If you know great, talented people who are always looking for a way to help out, or you want to be more involved, please let us know. You can e-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call Mr Chase 801-452-4780.

January 23- Papa John's Pizza Night

January 29-31- Parent Teacher Conference and Book Fair
*Watch for more details*

Lomond View Lions ROCK!

We pledge to be

 Respectful -- in what we do and say.

Obedient -- to each and every rule.

Careful -- in our work and play.

Kind -- just because it's cool.

Positive Incentives

Students who follow the Lions ROCK rules may receive the following positive reinforcements:

In-class incentives provided by the teacher

Caught Being Good slips

Principal's Awards

Cool Cat Awards

Quarterly ABC-UBI Lions Rock Parties

Love Utah, Give Utah

Parents and Pleasant View Community,

Weber School District is committed to the safety of our students. Many parents have already noticed and commented on the doors being locked and visitor's badges as a step to increase the security of our school. The next step we would like to take in tandem with the district and local law enforcement is to purchase video surveillance cameras. The cameras we are looking at will have the capability to have law enforcement view inside our school during an emergency situation from a command post or even from their smart-phone. Weber County Sheriff Terry Thompson said, "In the case of an armed intruder in a school, one of our most important tools is our eyes. The ability to quickly locate, observe and apprehend an intruder will be contingent upon what we can see. A state of the art video surveillance system is a necessity." The technology is ready to go; we just need your assistance to purchase the cameras. The Weber School District foundation is pleased to announce that they will match every donation we get up to $2000 per school--which means twice as much as you donate will go towards the safety of your children.

We will be participating in a state wide fundraiser, "Love Utah, Give Utah" on March 22 and encourage you to make your donation before then if possible. Our goal is to raise $3000 dollars before the 22nd of March.

There is a website dedicated to that end if you will follow the link .

If you would like to get a tax donation receipt, or have a larger donation, we encourage you to bring the check to the school made out to the Weber School District Foundation, and we will get the receipts back to you as quickly as possible.

We appreciate your willingness to support the school in keeping our students as safe as we can.

Principal Kevin Chase