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Lee Responds to President’s Executive Order on Amnesty

Friday, November 21, 2014 - 2:00pm
Senator Mike Lee

Lee Responds to President’s Executive Order on Amnesty

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee responded to President Obama’s executive order on amnesty:

“In a desperate attempt to remain relevant, the President has decided to defy the American people, ignore the election results, and usurp the legislative process.  This act demonstrates he respects neither election outcomes, nor the rule of law.  It will make the humanitarian crisis at the border worse, and could potentially create a constitutional crisis within our republic. Congress must respond to restore the proper checks and balances to our constitutional order, and it must do so quickly and forcefully.  I hope and expect there are a number of Democrats who are tired of being asked to protect the President, often at great political cost.  It’s time for them to stand with the American people.”


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