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Farr West City Council Documents

Friday, June 21, 2019 - 5:45pm

Documents Updated

City Council

City Council Meeting

Notice Date & Time: 6/6/19 7:00 PM -6/6/19 9:00 PM



Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Farr West City will hold its regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 6, 2019

1. Call to Order - Mayor Lee Dickemore
2. Opening Ceremony
a. Pledge of Allegiance
b. Prayer
3. Presentation of Youth Leadership Awards
a. Pioneer Elementary
b. Farr West Elementary
c. Wahlquist Junior High
4. Comments/Reports
a. Public Comments (Resident(s) attending this meeting will be allotted 2 minutes to express a concern or ask a question about any issue that IS NOT ON THE AGENDA. No action can or will be taken on any issue presented.)
b. Report from Planning Commission
5. Business Items
a. Approval of Business Licenses - Oh Sew Impressive - Danica Francom;
Drive Motor Garage - Stefanie Wells or Shaun Carr
b. Motion - Enter into Public Hearings
i. Public hearing to discuss and/or act upon the intent of the legislative body to consider adjusting the 2018-2019 Budget
ii. Public hearing to discuss and/or act upon the intent of the legislative body to consider approval of the 2019-2020 Budget
c. Motion - Close public hearings and proceed with regular meeting
d. Motion - Approval of the Conditional Use Permit request for Matthew Chugg for a 2,400 square foot accessory building located at 2265 North 2475 West
e. Approval of Jones & Associates bid for Impact Fee Updates and Transportation/Storm Drain Utility Fee Studies
f. Discussion/Action - Fiber Committee Recommendations
g. Discussion/Action - Central Weber Sewer connections
h. Discussion - Fines on incorrect sump pump connections
6. Consent Items
a. Approval of minutes dated May 16, 2019
b. Approval of payment of bills dated June 3, 2019
c. Smith Family Park Update and Approval of Bids
7. Mayor/Council Follow-up
a. Report on Assignments
8. Adjournment
