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Did you Know we have so many National Days in January?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014 - 10:45am

January has 11 National days, 2 birthdays, and 2 hoildays in the month. 

January 1 - New Year's Day

January 4 - National Trivia Day 

January 5 - National Bird Day

January 6- Cuddle Up Day

January 8 - Elvis's Birthday

January 13 National Rubber Ducky Day

January 14- National Dress up your pet day

January 17- Ben Franklin's Birthday

January 19- National Popcorn day

January 20 - Martin Luther King Day

January 23- National Pie Day

January 24 - Belly Laugh Day

January 25- Opposite Day

January 28- National Kazzo Day

January 29 - National Puzzel Day

January 31 - Chinese New Year

It just goes to show you there's a lot going on around us all the time. Let's have some fun!!