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Pleasant View Hometown Update – November

Tuesday, November 22, 2016 - 10:15am
Dawn Scothern / newletters

The announcement of the iconic Rocky Point sign will be taken down next week. The dilapidated landmark metal sign, which has been pointing to the Rocky Hill on North Ogden’s Highway 89 for nearly 50 years, will be taken down. It will then be cleaned, dismantled and cut into pieces and used to create various pieces of art and furniture by Ms. Neil, daughter of Scott Crabtree, the original owner of Rocky Point.  We will have a full story and pictures coming.

Open letter from Mayor Toby Mileski:

Sunday, November 20, 2016


At our last Council Meeting we approved the project to build a pump house and install the pipe to bring the water into our system at a cost of just over $570,000, not including the property purchase, electrical items, and power supply to name a few more items.

Here is the plan:  we will be connecting into the Weber Basin Well just off 2550 N and 750 W.  The pump house location will be right in that area and the pipe will go along 2550 N and connect into 600 W and the other connection will connect into an existing pipe and go into the 1000 W connection.  

After all that…. we are still not done!  One of the many requirements is that the City build a reservoir to store the water.  The idea is that the reservoir would fill in the off -demand hours and gravity feed back into the system versus keeping a static pressure.  This would need to be done within the next three years, in order to meet the terms of the contract.  We will start the funding discussion of this just after the first of the year.

As we have more, I will send it out.

Mayor Mileski



Hey Students... The My School's Cool Contest is Back! You can help us win up to $12,000 for our school! All you need to do is bring in any receipts from the Newgate Mall and give them to Mr. Rawlins in Room 36 or put them in the locker downstairs by the school store!


WE NEED YOUR HELP! Ever wanted to be able to contribute more to Quarters & Cans? This year, we are holding a Charity Garage Sale in December, for anyone in the community to come and shop for Christmas or just to get cheap priced stuff. Here is where we need your help - We Want all your re-usable or new stuff that you don't want or use anymore - from clothes and shoes to video games and furniture! We are accepting donations starting this week. There is a box in the office for your donations. Clean out the clutter! Bring us your stuff! The sale is on December 8th in the Commons!


Weber State University is holding a Multicultural Youth Conference on Dec. 19th from 8:30-1:30 p.m. Students will participate in gender/ethnic identity breakout sessions, expand their view of the world and community around them, learn about career and community opportunities through higher education and how to access higher education. Seniors have a chance to win a $500 scholarship by attending. The first 20 students will be allowed to attend. Please contact Jen Paige in the counseling office for more information. Deadline is Nov 22nd.


Above and Beyond is back. Please take time to recognize a Weber High Staff that has meant something to you by their willingness to go Above and Beyond. Anyone can nominate any staff. Students, parents and staff are encouraged to recognize the great people that make Weber the wonderful place it is. You can pick up and drop off nomination forms in the main office.