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One Mom's Fight for Her Special Needs Son in the Age of Obamacare

Wednesday, February 22, 2017 - 8:30am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

Feb. 22, 2017

Good morning from Washington, where a replacement for Obamacare can't arrive soon enough for Americans such as Marjorie Weer, who has battled gamely to find affordable insurance for a son with spina bifida. Melissa Quinn tells a mother's story. President Trump's homeland security chief targets illegal immigrants who are criminals, Fred Lucas reports. As war simmers, Ukraine's population drops, Nolan Peterson discovers. Plus: Thomas Spoehr and John Cooper on the grit of the president's new national security adviser, and Walter Williams on the real cost of restricting imports.


One Mom's Fight for Her Special Needs Son in the Age of Obamacare


"The people in Washington, D.C., who have no business and no knowledge about health care, just decided to screw this all up and left moms like myself to clean up their mess," says Marjorie Weer.

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How Arizona Is Using Licensure Laws to Punish Compassion


Juan Carlos Montesdeoca, a cosmetology student, provided free haircuts to the homeless for several months. Unfortunately, the Arizona State Board of Cosmetology caught wind of his charitable deeds and opened an investigation.

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Trump Targets Criminals, Late Arrivals in Immigration Enforcement


The memos call for moving forward on building a border wall, hiring more Customs and Border Protection agents to stop illegal border crossing, and adding more Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to police the interior.

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Trump's Stellar Pick for National Security Adviser


Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster is a brilliant strategist who has devoted his Army career to understanding military history and helping America's armed forces learn from the mistakes of the past in order to fight more effectively in the future.

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Amid War, Ukraine's Population Continues to Dwindle


Ukraine's life expectancy gender gap and its overall population decline reflect a demographic crisis that emerged throughout the former Soviet Union after its breakup.

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There's Nothing Free


President Obama once boasted that "over 1,000 Americans are working today because we stopped a surge in Chinese tires." According to a study, those trade restrictions forced Americans to pay $1.1 billion in higher prices for tires.

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