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Harrisville Religious News

Tuesday, September 22, 2015 - 11:30am
Dawn Scothern

Harrisville Stake–On July 2, the Harrisville Stake youth with plenty of Ma’s and Pa’s were on their way on a trip of a lifetime. To see what their ancestors experienced with handcarts for the next few days, they traveled and pulled the hand carts across the trails.              

Jon Hansen, back July 3, said, “What better way to finish off a day of pulling your handcart than a little square dancing!”

Tami Johnson said, “Thank you Harrisville Stake for putting together such an amazing trek experience for everyone! So grateful it was successful!! My daughter absolutely loved it and met new friends whom she's so happy about. You guys are the best!”

Jodi LaFeber said, “My son has been talking about his experiences on trek non-stop! We have the best leaders and Stake presidency around! Thanks for all the time and effort you dedicated to changing the lives of our youth for the better!”