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Homeland Security Funding Expires Friday. Is Congress Any Closer to a Solution?

Monday, February 23, 2015 - 7:30am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

Homeland Security Funding Expires Friday. Is Congress Any Closer to a Solution?

News: Secretary Jeh Johnson, who is carrying out President Obama's immigration executive actions, said that it's "imperative that we get it resolved." How do you think it'll play out?

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Companies Benefiting From Government's Newest Solar Farm Also Recipients of Export-Import Bank Financing

News: Critics argue the project "reeks of cronyism." The Daily Signal investigates the firms that are getting financing from the government.

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The 2016 Contenders Will Be in the Spotlight This Week. Here's How They Can Reshape the Debate.

Commentary: Our focus should be on what candidates have the best policies—not who is best at zingers, or is most likable, or has the most inspiring life story.

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