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Farr West Hometown News

Friday, September 23, 2016 - 10:15am
Dawn Scothern / newletters

Farr West Elementary wants to invite everyone for the School Carnival, Monday, September 26th 5:30-7:30 pm. We will have food trucks, Weber County Sheriff's office, Monster truck, Army, carnival booths and silent auction! Bring your family for a great evening!

Smith Family Park Update: Boyd Ferrin reported that the pond will be drained and work will be done in the pond over the next few months.

Eagle Scout Presentation/Bike Path: Aaron Haws explained that he would be marking the bike path on Higley Road and Plain City Road, as well as painting a cross walks on both roads. Boyd Ferrin commented he thinks this is a great idea. Mayor Dickemore asked Aaron how he came up with this project idea. Aaron commented that he enjoys biking around the community and wanted to make it easier for other residents. Ken Phippen suggested the city invest in a stencil to mark the paths.    

Discussion/Action –Fiber to the homes: Ken Phippen explained the capabilities of Utopia Fiber, and reviewed Utopia's presentation. Ken explained that next step would be to survey/inform the citizens of the city. Boyd Ferrin asked if any other company would come in and put in a infrastructure. There was a discussion on how the city would pay for it and how long it would take to pay off. David Jay commented that Utopia has some debt. David suggested talking with other fiber companies before there is a decision. There was discussion on other fiber companies and how the city will survey the residents. Ken was assigned to look into other Fiber companies. 

Donor Brick Fundraising Campaign: A park donor & veterans recognition area constructed of engraved bricks and a flag pole. To recognize those who have contributed to the building of the park as well as veterans past & present who served to protect our ability and freedom to enjoy such a park.
