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Plain City Hometown News

Friday, September 23, 2016 - 9:45am
Dawn Scothern / newletters

Mayor Toby Mileski has been attending a number of meetings, he has participating in bring a voice for Pleasant View.  The updates he has provided are: Weber Area Dispatch 911 and Emergency Services District is currently taking the necessary steps to build their own space which is intended to be a 30 year fix for the District that provides 911 Services to Weber County.

This building will be built using a bond with the payments coming from our current revenues due to an adjustment in contracts and a savings on rent that is currently being paid to Ogden City in the amount of $90,000 per year. The location will be adjacent to the current facility.

Members of the Wasatch Front Regional Council, Committees, and Friends

The Wasatch Front Regional Council, in conjunction with our members, partners, and stakeholders, achieved several important milestones this past year as we worked to accomplish the goals and priorities adopted by the Council at the beginning of fiscal year 2016.

We kicked off Wasatch Choice 2050, the most significant update to the shared regional vision since Wasatch Front communities first established it over a decade ago.

We began the development of the 2019-2050 Regional Transportation Plan, integrating it with Wasatch Choice 2050. We also started on the next edition of Utah's Unified Transportation Plan, collaborating closely with our transportation partners. In addition, we supported efforts to fund the needs identified in the Unified Plan.

We worked to further develop, integrate, and promote WFRC programs such as the Transportation Improvement Program, the Transportation and Land Use Connection Program, the Community Development Block Grant Program, and the Wasatch Front Economic Development District. These programs provide valuable resources, funding, and staff assistance directly to our local communities.

Finally, in fiscal year 2016, the Council updated the WFRC mission and accompanying roles for the organization as we strive for organizational excellence in all we do. 

At the August meeting, the Regional Council adopted the following four goals to serve as our focus for fiscal year 2017:

Goal #1: Collaboratively develop long- and short-range plans and programs, and assist local communities to implement those plans.

Goal #2: Integrate the consideration of transportation, land use, and economic development through a performance-based approach.

Goal #3: Support transportation policy-making.

Goal #4: Strive for organizational excellence.

We proudly serve our communities, working closely with UDOT and UTA as our transportation partners. We know that it is only through your support and engagement that our work is possible. We look forward to another successful year and thank you for your commitment and dedication to our great region.

Chair Mayor Tom Dolan

Wasatch Front Regional Council

Andrew Gruber

Executive Director

Wasatch Front Regional Council